Chapter 12 - Time heals

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One month later

Laura's POV:

I'm finally starting to feel better again. I realized there was no point in feeling miserable all the time when I could've done so much cool stuff in that time.

I've been living in a new apartment for a while now because Mary stayed true to her word and literally threw me out with all my stuff. I had no choice but to get my own place so that's what I did and I love it.

Finally I feel like I can breath again and handle life on my own.

Mary and me are on good terms though because I know she only wanted me to get back up on my feet again.

I'm also more energetic at work although I still have to put up with a lot of shit from the actors, I still love my job though.

Nevertheless I still have bad days, like probably every human on earth. But I've accepted it. You can't do much about it except for dealing with it and sometimes you just gotta deal with some shit. It's as easy as that.


For dinner tonight I made some quinoa salad because I also recently got into healthy eating. 

And I'm also watching an anime called Food wars so I'm enjoying my food even more.

My mind starts to wander off and I think about Toru and everything that's happened. I still can't believe he did what he did but I think I've come to terms with it. Maybe it was good that all that happened... because I came out stronger that I was before.

Don't get me wrong I still think Lucy is a fucking bitch but in the end I'm happy how I am right now, I finally started to love my life... although there are times where I miss him a lot.

I just hope he's happy wherever he is and whatever he is doing.


Toru's band just released their new album and apparently its doing amazing even in the States so I can imagine he's pretty busy...

I haven't seen him since the day we met at the coffee shop...


Author's note:  I'm sorry the updates are really slow and that this chapter was pretty crappy but I'm starting uni soon and I also recently got into kpop so please pray for me haha. I hope you have a good day :)

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