Chapter 16 - Pancakes

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Laura's POV:

I am rushing to the stove because the pancake that's currently in the pan smells quite done.

This morning I decided to make breakfast or Toru and I cause why not.

I spent most nights at his anyway so why not make myself useful.

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist and I jump a little before realizing it's Toru. 

"Morning", he smiles, eyes still swollen from his sleep... or the lack of that.

"Good morning" I smile at him widely.

"Smells amazing, what did I do to deserve that?"

I just shrug when I see him eyeing me up and down, I am wearing one of his flannels.

He bites his lip when I stick my butt out a little just to tease him.

"Stop teasing me so early in the morning." With that he pulls me really close to him and kisses my forehead.

I bring my head closer to his so we can kiss properly.

After a while he pulls away. "You know I really enjoy our whole thing... and I was thinking... as you already spend most nights here you could maybe... move in again?"

I haven't expected that at all so my face must look really shocked. "Uhh.." That is all I'm able to say right now.

I need a moment and open and close my mouth again before sorting out my thoughts and finally being able to speak again.

"D-Don't get me wrong, I like where we are at the moment too, but... you know how it ended last time... and I really don't want it to be like that ever again."

He seems taken aback at my words as he losens his grip around my waist. 

"Don't you trust us? Do you not think we're going to make it work this time?" I can hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Babe, no, it's just that I don't wanna rush it, why change the situation if it's great how it is?" I place my hand on his arm.

"But I'm sure it would be even better if you moved in... also you wouldn't have to spend so much time going from your place to mine, when you're here most of the time anyways." He really wants me to move in.

"Toru, I just think it's too early... we haven't even talked about what we are at the moment!" It makes me angry because he doesn't seem to get my point, he's not thinking this through.

"Okay" He says as he quietly surrenders.

Suddenly the fire alarm goes off, I forgot about the pancake and now it's completely burnt.

This day is going to be fun...


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