Chapter 20 - Candles

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Laura's POV:

It's been a few weeks since the incident, I've tried calling Toru a few times in the beginning but he just ignored my calls.

That's fine... I know I really fucked up.

I didn't even mean to... and he definitely didn't deserve it.

But I've been thinking how I can make this right again and I have an idea... I'm gonna need help for that though.



"Oh hey Laura, how have you been?" Ryota seems confused why I'm calling him.

"I've been okay I guess, listen I need your help. I know you probably hate me for what I've done to Toru but I have a plan and I need your help with it." I tell him what I have in mind and he's in.

I also call Taka and Tomo and they seem to like my idea as well.


Toru's POV:

We've been at the studio all day today, rehearsing and also recording a few new songs.

Work has been pretty stressful this week but I'm not complaining because it takes my mind off everything.


I'm recording the last guitar solo of the day when I see that the others have already left.

I didn't even realize when they left... they didn't even say bye... idiots.

But I still finish my work and put everything away.

It's already dark outside.

When I get downstairs I stop because it's so bright... it seems like the light is coming from the courtyard... what's going on.

I step outside.

Taka, Ryota and Tomo are there.

"Jesus thank fuck, why did you take so long" Taka seems a little annoyed.

"What the fuck is going on ?!" I can't see a lot because the light is so bright... it's hundreds of lit candles all around the yard... then I see her.

Laura is standing opposite to me with her hands behind her back. She steps closer to me.

She looks beautiful, the light of the candles makes her look like goddess.

"You have every right to be angry at me. I know what I did was shit and you don't deserve that... but it was never my intention to hurt you in any way and I'm so sorry that I did hurt you with my actions... A-And I understand if you need more time but I just really wanna tell you something... These past weeks I realized that I can't live without you, you make me the happiest I've ever been although we obviously have our ups and downs..." Laura finally reveals her hands and she's carrying a little box.. what the...

"What are you doing?" I laugh nervously as she gets down on one knee.

"Relax it's not what you think it is... I just wanna tell you th-that I love you... a lot... and if you wanna continue you would make me very happy and I promise you I will give you my all to make us work and I will do everything I can to make you happy... so uhm... will you take this promise... bracelet before I start to cry?" She really has tears in her eyes.

She opens the little box and inside is a really pretty small bracelet. I'm in shock for a moment before I can react.

"... Yeah" I smile like an idiot and help her get up before she falls into me and we hug for what seems like forever. The three idiots on the side start clapping and screaming like retards.

After a while Laura puts the bracelet on my wrist and we finally kiss.

I really missed her a lot and as our kiss gets more heated I pick her up.

"Geez get a room." Tomo remarks.

Laura and I break the kiss and laugh. I missed her laugh... it's contagious.


"Cause you took the promise bracelet you have the ... honor to help me clean all this shit up." She smiles like an angel and flutters her lashes... that girl ...  I couldn't be happier to help that dork to clean up this mess.


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