saeran choi- captivity ((pt 2))

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A few months later

Saeran sat on the couch, beside (Y/N), stroking her hair. She whimpered a bit. She was having a nightmare. Saeran whispered sweet things to her, forgetting that he caused them. The scars he gave her. The pain he caused. (Y/N) sat up and looked at Saeran.

"Hey..." she whispered as she slightly smiled.


"I....have a question...."

"Go ahead, (Y/N)."

"Can I go outside today?"

"Remember what I always tell you? Something will happen to you out there, and we can't have that, now can we?" Ever since Seven saved Saeran and (Y/N), she hasn't stepped foot outside. Saeran constantly told her it was dangerous and when she objected slightly, he would grab or even hit her. But (Y/N) was tired of this. She stood up. Saeran stood too.

"N-no!" She stuttered. "I won't stay anymore! I'm tired of living in captivity! Do you even care about me?!" Saeran grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the wall. (Y/N) slightly winced. A beep came off her phone. She had pocket-dialed Seven.

"I do care about you! That's why I'm trying to protect you! You can't go outside!"

"'re hurting me," she mumbled. His grip tightened.

"I'm on my way, (Y/N)!" Saeyoung exclaimed. He hung up just a Saeran pulled (Y/N)'s phone out of her pocket. He threw it against the wall.

"You're mine."

"Saeran......" (Y/N) growled. " Now."

"Or what? You'll hurt me?" Saeran mocked as he laughed, his red hair shaking. (Y/N) kicked Saeran in the stomach, and he backed away, and winced in pain.

"Fight me mate." (Y/N) stated.

"Fine. If I win, you'll never go outside again. If somehow, you win, I'll let you go...." Saeran replied. They both nodded, and (Y/N) punched Saeran in the nose.

"No weapons, you sneaky bastard," (Y/N) said as she dodged a kicked from Saeran.

((Now, you have two options. You can either win the fight, or lose the fight. Feel free to read both. Good luck, Reader-sama.))

Read on if you win the fight....... ((good ending....?))

After ten minutes, Seven kicked the door open, and saw (Y/N) grappling with Saeran. She pushed him against the wall and punched him in the face.Seven pulled them apart, only for Saeran to jump at her again. Seven slapped them both.

"What the hell were you guys thinking?! Saeran! You have to stop. All you have to do, is make sure (Y/N) doesn't out there and you'll be fine. Just be normal. You aren't at Mint Eye anymore.....and (Y/N), why would you fight him? Jesus....."

"Wow (Y/N)....I didn't know you were that strong. I'm....sorry.....I took this too far.....if you don't want to be with me...then it's okay..."

"Saeran....we should stay with Saeyoung....but...I want to be with you....we both have some things this okay Seven?" He nodded. (Y/N) was about to leave.

"Wait!" She turned around. "I-I'll catch up.....but....please....can you kiss me one more time?"

(Y/N) nodded and gave Saeran a peck on the lips. Saeyoung smiled in the background as (Y/N) skipped out. Saeran smiled.

"Love youuu..."

Read this section if you lose the fight..... ((bad-ish ending))

Saeran had (Y/N) on the floor, his hand around her neck. She reached up and put her hands around his. Seven burst in and pulled Saeran off her. When they were both standing, Seven slapped them both. "'re both coming with me and you're gonna make up."

"No way," (Y/N) mumbled. "I hate you."

"Good, I hate you too."

"If you guys don't stop this, there will be severe consequences." Seven spoke in a way that scared them both.

"I-it's not like I wanted to fight you for fun, or anything," (Y/N) muttered.

"Y-yeah. It's not like I wanted to purposely lose...because I knew I was wrong. You also didn't piss me off though." Saeran stated. They both looked at each other then smiled and hugged each other.

"I love you." They said in unison. Seven was about to leave when Saeran spoke. "Hey." Seven looked back.

"Get in here, bro."

The End~~

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