yoosung- shinitai-chan

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bullied! suicidal! reader
this.. miiigght be triggering-

   Ahh, I wanna die, I wanna die, I don't wanna die.

  Because you're kind enough to stop me

  No matter how many times I wound myself, it's not enough, not enough.

    (y/n) stood at the edge of the school's rooftop. Tears fell down her cheeks. This was her only safe point. The place she could sneak to so she could escape the constantly bullying. She came here everyday, most days contemplating suicide.

   "It would be a fitting death for someone as worthless as I am."

    Her only friend, and roommate, Yoosung Kim, didn't even know where she went. She hid everything from him. The fact that the college students were bullying her, the fact that her thighs were covered in cuts, the fact that she was hopelessly in love with him. She sighed and sat down, staring at the sunset.


   "(y/n)! I was so worried! You usually come home earlier than this, even when you do...whatever you do after school..." Yoosung trailed off. He was standing in the middle of their small living room. (y/n) gave him a small smile.

"Sorry! I got a bit held up by something. Don't worry so much, Yoosung, okay?" 

  Yoosung sighed, smiling at the girl brightly and hugging her tightly. He slightly paused, then spoke.

 "Okay. I'll try not to worry so much."


   For the next few days, the same thing happened. (y/n) always went to that rooftop, sitting on the edge, wondering what would happen if she jumped. And each day, Yoosung became even more concerned for the girl. He even stopped playing video games just to analyze her behavior. One day, (y/n) didn't come home until very late. She forced a smile as she looked at the blonde haired boy in front of her. 

"I was caught up at scho-"

"Don't lie to me." Yoosung cut her off by speaking. (y/n) slowly went over to him, sitting beside him on the couch. He simply stared at her with dull eyes and a blank expression.

 "Why have you been doing this to yourself? Can you not  see how much everyone in RFA cares about you? Who cares about everyone else?! We love you!" Yoosung snapped at the girl, soon wrapping his arms around her.

"I  love you.." he whispered. Tears fell from (y/n)'s face as she gently returned the hug. 

"Why have you been cutting yourself..? Has it been that bad..? We need to take care of the people that have been-" (y/n) began to tremble slightly, beginning to cry more.

"Y-you... i-it can't be helped... t-they're not gonna leave me alone.."

"We'll find a way, I promise," Yoosung mumbled, rubbing her head.

"A-Are you sure..?"

"I'm positive. I'll never leave you. We can get through this together, I swear."


          A couple of weeks passed, and with the help of the RFA, and Yoosung, (y/n)'s bullying situation ended. In those couple of weeks, she was mildly happy and stopped self harming, but she also realized something that ended her happiness. She was slowly falling for her best friend, Kim Yoosung. So, (y/n) ended up back at the rooftop, contemplating her existence yet again.

    'I don't deserve him..' (y/n) thought as she forced a smile. As she closed her eyes, she felt someone's presence beside her.

  "Ah, the sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" A light, carefree voice spoke. (y/n) slightly jumped, opening her eyes and seeing Yoosung beside her.

  "I've always wanted to see it with you. As a date though, haha." Yoosung smiled. (y/n) stared at him, blinking. He continued to stare at the setting sun. After a few minutes of silence, he turned to her.

   "I love you, (y/n)." 


rushed as fuck but hey i'll edit soon


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