jihyun kim- i really love you

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slightly depressed! reader

"when I'm with you, I start to lose sight of the identity I've created for myself.

I'm blurring, becoming something new..

I want to be happy with who I am, but I want you to be happy with who I am too."


(y/n) sat on the living room floor, in front of the couch. She stared at the ground, lost in thought. The (h/c)-ette/ head/ blonde gently tapped her thigh, waiting for her boyfriend to come home. Waiting to see what mask she would have to put on. As if some higher power was reading her thoughts, the door of her apartment opened.

"(n/n)! where are you?" A calm male voice called out. (y/n) immediately jumped up and ran over to him, hugging him tightly while kissing his cheeks.

"Jihyun, Jihyun, Jihyuuun! I've missed you sooo much!" The girl exclaimed, looking at the boy's surprised face.

"Missed you too...? hehe," Jihyun chuckled slightly. (y/n) blushed, slightly averting her eyes.

"y-yeah, whatever. t-that's good, I'm glad." Her "embarrassed/ flustered tsundere" behavior soon turned to slightly sadness.

"s-sorry for getting so hyped up, V.." She mumbled as she walked over to the couch, sitting on it gently. He immediately followed her. He knew something was up. (y/n) never called him V. He sat beside her slowly, not wanting to trigger anything.

"You've been like this for a few days, are you alright?" Jihyun gently asked, rubbing her back.

"I'm... confused." The girl whispered. She felt like everything was caving in, she couldn't breathe.

"About what, my love?"

(y/n) spilled it all. About not knowing her true self, it slowly fading away. She wanted to change, to be someone that's perfect. So V wouldn't grow bored of her, and leave her behind. She felt so conflicted. Even when she was younger, she didn't quite have a grip on her personality, and constantly shifted her attitude, especially because of her depressive tendencies. V listened intently while giving small replies, both of them sitting on the couch with watery eyes. Jihyun gently cupped her face, kissing her gently. (y/n) returned the kiss, her mind going blank. When they pulled apart, the blue-haired man smiled at her.

"I love you. Don't change."


Then, I start wondering if I'm changing myself for my benefit, or if I'm doing it for your approval.

And what that means about me...

...I think.. I want you to help me figure out who I really want to be, because I know that if you're happy with who I am, then I don't need anyone else's approval but my own.

So... you're saying that...you like who I am now?

...I don't need to change myself for you?

I'm so immature... I hate it..

This is the first time I've been in love....

So matters of the heart are still... difficult for me.


based on the song "i really love you," by the girl next door.


heya guys. I know it's been a while
pls don't kill me yet let me explain

I've started high school and junk
I'm experiencing writer's block
I'm battling depression and suicidal thoughts
And I just haven't had time to write ;;

anyway, I'm gonna try and get back in the groove of things
And try to update more
I also have a new phone so I can update yey
there might be a bit of vent writing but hey I'm human leave me be
this was just a short story to introduce V into the story and to let you know that I'm not dead
I love you guys very much ~

-Yuki Kitsune a.k.a Daydreamer

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