rfa- colors and aesthetics

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 Jaehee Kang 


An earthy yet calm color.

So normal, yet special, just like her.

Brown was a color that fit Jaehee so warmly. She was like...

A warm cup of coffee on a tired, slow, winter day. 

A cuddly blanket, or a warm sweater, so soft and sweet.

  "Are you alright, (y/n)?" She asked, a slight smile on her face.

  "I'm fine.. I was just thinking about how wonderful you are."


   Hyun Ryu ((ZEN)) 


Doesn't seem like it would fit, huh?

A very deep yet standard color.

Crimson was a color that fit Zen in an odd way. One that few would think of.

Zen was soothing in a protective way.

Like an umbrella in any weather. A warm rush of air, shielding you from any cold air and lulling you to sleep.

He runs deep within a person, like blood. Leaving his impact. 

So flirty and intimate yet so, so distant.

  "Babe, what's up?"

 "I was just thinking about how much I love you."


Jumin Han 


A bit cliche, I know.

Such a dark yet mysterious and concealing color.

Like midnight, where anything can happen. Even though the sky may be speckled with stars.

A pure black shadow that never left your side.

A black box that holds many secrets. You want to unearth all these secrets, and understand him, I know.

 "Love, what's on your mind?"

 "Jumin, you should tell me more about yourself."


Yoosung Kim 

Baby blue. 

So soft and gentle, just like him.

A sky with cotton clouds, here and there.

So many shapes and possibilities. 

Like a blanket that a child would cling to.

So innocent and pure, something you can protect yourself.

"Ah, (y/n)? What is it?"

"I just wanted to cuddle you. That's all."


  Saeyoung Choi 

 Navy blue, yellow.

 There's something about him.

He couldn't possibly have one color.

 He shines so brightly, is so cheerful.

He spreads happiness like the sun shining on our earth.

Yet he's so sad. Has so much hidden anguish.

Like someone sinking into an endless sea. Drowning. Not being able to scream for help.

 "Ah, Goddess 606-! What's up..?"

"Seven, I just wanna say that.. I'll never leave your side."


Jihyun Kim ((V)) 


Comforting and fiery. Fall leaves and sweet smells. 

Orange can be so warm and it feels like you're being embraced. Quiet happiness.

But orange can be fire, destroying everything. Past mistakes. Pure errors. Masked silence.

There's two sides to every story, and this color tells them both but mushes them together into a cloud of mess. 

  "Dearest, what's wrong?"

  "You confuse me, and I need you to explain who you are."


  Saeran Choi 


Like a rainy day, or different colors of splattered paint, making everything mushy.

Metal handcuffs and broken hearts.

He was like monochromatic daydreams. So beautiful, with a need to be protected.

He wasn't dirty, yet he wasn't pure. Something about him was pure neutral.


"Saeran, I love you so much."


((hopefully, i haven't forgotten anyone.))

((sorry i've been gone for so long. life really sucks.))

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