jumin han- protect me

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sick! reader

    (Y/N) coughed twice and sniffled. She was at home by herself and was extremely sick. She groaned and picked up her phone.

"Seven.....I'm sick...."

"Sorry. I have work to do." Seven sighed sadly.

"Zen.....I'm feeling terrible...."

"I'm at rehearsal right now. I have to go." His voice was a whisper.

Yoosung was at school, and Jaehee was at work. (Y/N) stood up and dialed Jumin's number. She could barely stand. She walked into the kitchen. "Jumin...."

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? You sound terrible."

"Help.....me....please...." she whispered putting emphasis on the please. She fell backwards, hitting the wall and knocking over a pile of books. She lied on the ground. "Ju.....min...."

"I'm on my way right now! Hang in there!"

Timeskippu about an hour

      (Y/N) was being force-fed medicine. Grape flavored medicine. Jumin patted her head. "Good job." (Y/N) pouted, then lied in bed. She fell asleep, every once in a while shifting or mumbling something. Jumin lied beside her.

"(Y/N)....I was worried about you...I thought something happened to you...I don't know what I'd do........You know.....you're almost cuter that Elizabeth the 3rd." He forced a laugh.

(Y/N) whimpered. She slightly opened her eyes and grabbed Jumin's hand. "Jumin...." She was on the brink of tears.

"I had a nightmare...you.....please Jumin! Don't leave me! Please!" She practically screamed these words.

"I won't!" Jumin exclaimed with a worried voice. "I won't....." He moved himself closer to her.

(Y/N) let out a small sigh. She closed her (e/c) eyes. "I hate it when you get all worked up over me....it's okay though.....

I'd be the same way if you were me."

The end~~

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