Chapter 15: Mess

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Laura's POV:

My eyes fluttered open as I yawned. I looked around the room, it was kind of bright. Who knows how long I took my nap? I rubbed my eyes and sat up, stretched my arms. I sighed, where's Ross? I thought to myself.

I stood up but soon my hands were pulled by something as it made me sit back down on the couch. What the?

I looked back but no one was around. I stood up once again but something made my legs trip as I fell down on the floor with a thud. "Ow!"

I heard chuckles and giggles, but they sounded like evil laughs. What's happening..

"Ross?!" I shouted and stood up quickly as I tidy up myself. Where is he? He was not appearing, he usually appears somewhere. I started to walk around the hotel room but he was still nowhere to be seen.

I started to panic and tried to yell his name dozen times. Still, he was not around.

Ugh. He's making me worry.

I walked around fastly, pacing, like I'm thinking of tough decisions. I closed my eyes and calmed myself down, maybe he's in the bathroom. Yeah, that's a good guess, he's always in there.

When I got to the door knob, my hair were pulled. Ouch, that hurt. "Who the heck?" I said as I looked around. My heart, was beating so fast. I was so scared.

I backed down and looked at myself in the mirror. "How the?!" I shouted, my face, someone drew a beard on my face, and large moles. Who did this?! I bet it's Ross.

I got so angry as I quickly opened the door of the bathroom, and a beast's face appeared in front of mine. "Ahhh!" I screamed and pushed the creature as 'it' pulled my hand together with 'itself'.

I was on top of the ugly beast as I closed my eyes, stood up quickly and kicked 'it'.

"Ow, Laura, stop!" that voice sounds familiar, 'it' opened 'its' mask and it was Ross.

"Ross! It was you?!" I shouted at him. He laughed, "Mhm, good one aye?"

Why is he like this? I don't have time for jokes, my anger boiled out but I ignored him, took my shoes, the card key and went out. I don't care if I'm a mess now, I just woke up after a tiring flight and he just made it worse.

It's almost dark but thank god there's a park nearby. I sat down on the bench and looked around, birds chirping, the trees, grass, it feels like summer, but darker.

I sighed, I shouldn't be mad just because of that. I mean, Ross is always like that, and that's what I like about him. I smiled to myself, I closed my eyes. I'll deal with him later, or maybe tomorrow if I'm gonna stay here at the park..

Oh my god! I havent update for months, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

I just started school at a new one and I've been busy with homeworks and studies lately. Finally today's Friday, I updated a chapter.

I'm. So. Happy.

The last time I checked I had 5K reads, now I have 9K! Oh my gosh, thank you so much guys!

Sorry for the long wait but keep voting and reading. I really appreciate it getting more votes and reads but I feel sorry that I didn't update. I'm trying to update more now.

Don't forget to vote!


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