Chapter 22: Babysitting

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Laura had a reason why she was like this. It was what happened during Rauraustralia. She recieved a message, that scared her as her heart was beating wildly. She was so afraid that she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to tell anyone, especially Ross.

But Ross; he was suspicious. He thought Laura changed, but actually Laura was still Laura. She's just like that if something unexpected happens that could affect her.

Today she was doing something she hadn't done in a long time because of her schedule, but since she was having a break (kind of), she was excited that she decided to forget all about the message.

"Laura, you done?" her mother shouted from downstairs.

"Almost!" Laura shouted back from upstairs, taking her jacket. Her mother was going to send her to her cousin's house. Yes, it was babysitting time. She had to babysit her cousin. It was actually her mother's job. I mean, her mother was supposed to babysit him.

Due to last minute meetings, her mother had to go. Laura's mother was usually free on Mondays, but an unexpected meeting decided to show up. Her aunt and uncle were very busy business people, both of them owned a large hotel, and Laura's mother would have to babysit her little cousin on Mondays, usually only once a month.

It was not that Laura's uncle and aunt were taking Laura's mother for granted. It was because Laura's mother would always volunteer to babysit, since she's not busy on Mondays. During the weekends, Laura's little cousin would be taken care of by Laura's grandparents.

Since Laura's mother had to go somewhere else, Laura was the one in charge to babysit that day. Luckily, they were Laura's favourite uncle and aunt, and Laura was about to babysit her favourite little cousin, too.

Laura was so excited since it had been a long time she hadn't see Ethan. Laura went downstairs only to see her mother waiting for her. "Let's go," her mother said. Laura nodded and followed her mother to the car.


Opening the car door, Laura almost jumped when she heard a voice out of nowhere.

"Hey!" the voice said. Laura looked around, 'Where did the voice come from?'

"Oh hello, Ross," she heard her mother saying. Laura sighed as she saw the tall blonde guy.

"Hello, Mrs. Marano." Ross greeted and smiled. He turned to Laura as his smile was fading slowly. "Hi Laura." he stated bluntly.

Laura ignored the way he talked. "Hi," she grinned. She didn't even see Ross yesterday.

"Oh!" Laura's mother exclaimed out of nowhere. "Ross, since you're here. Wanna join babysitting?" Laura eyed her mother. "Well if you don't mi--"

"Sure, I'll join." Ross cut Laura's mother. "If that's okay with you, Laur." he turned to Laura.

Laura sighed, but then smiled and nodded, "Sure."


After greeting Laura's aunt and uncle with her mother, three of the adults left after Laura's aunt and uncle told her, "Thank you for this, dear. We'll be back later."

"Okay bye, take care." Laura waved at his aunt and uncle before closing the door. When she turned around, "Boo!" her face almost bumped on his little cousin's. Her cousin was only 4 years old. Laura shrieked and put a hand over her heart, "You scared me!"

Ethan giggled and Laura started to tickle him. "St- Stop!" Ethan laughed. Laura smiled, still tickling him, "That is what you get for scaring me."

When she stopped tickling, she picked her little cousin up and spun him around. "Did you miss me?" Laura asked playfully. Ethan nodded while smiling, and hugging Laura while she was carrying him.

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