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I'm speeding this up


So, Lin seven months pregnant and we found out that she's havin' a lil boy. I can't wait until he comes.

I woke her up about an hour ago and she's just now walkin' down the steps. She had on some black jeans, a loose light blue shirt, and her Orion Blue 7s. Her hair was curly as usual.

"You look good babe."

"Uugh, no I don't, but I'm ready to go to this doctors appointment. It's so fucking hot!"


I don't know what's wrong with Li, but she's actin' hella weird.

When we got home she went straight into our room, so I walked behind her.

"Babe, what's wrong wit' you?"

"It's just that, I haven't even seen Sky at all in the past months. I don't know where she is, or where she could be."

A tear fell from her eyes and I know it's mainly because she's just hormonal. I walked up closer to her and wiped the salty tear away with my ashy ass thumb. I need some damn lotion.

"Look, We'll find her. I know how bad you want her hea' and how you want her to see the birth of ha' godson, so we'll find her."

She looked up at me and then smiled. I cupped her face wit' my hands and then kissed her softly.

"Thank you August."

I smiled and walked into the living' room to try and call Skyler.


Why in the hell is she whisperin'? "Aye, where you at? Lin needs you."

"August, I can't. I can't leave where I'm at."


"My... uugh.... My aunts trying to kill me." After she said that she hung up the phone.

I ran to my laptop and traced her phone. Rushin' back to Li and I's bedroom, I went into the closet and strapped up. Fuck being a celebrity. I stay strapped.

"What's going on?" She asked standin' up from the bed.

"I found where Sky is, but her aunt tryna kill her."

I looked at her and she looked shocked as hell. Like it looked like her eyes could fall out of the sockets.

"So, you're gonna go get her?"

"Yeah, but you can't go. I don't want you to harm the baybeh. I love you. Okay?" I kissed her wit' passion and then left the house after I put on some lotion.

I hope this goes down good.



I walked back into the hotel room after talking to August. I really appreciate him helping me. My "boo" Darrell just left "looking" for my aunt and then August is coming here to get me.

Darrell doesn't know that I know he's helping my aunt. That fake ass nigga. I found out this morning.


I felt the bed sink and then someone wrap their arms around me. I knew it was Darrell, but I didn't feel like moving. It pissed me off knowing he was out all last night.

His phone ringed and he got out of bed to answer it. My eyes were still closed and I still didn't move, so he answered the phone in the same room.

"Hello?....... Yeah, she's sleep....... No, she doesn't know..... Lisa, I'll get her to you in a while, I got to make it seem like I'm helping her......... Naaah man, her friend don't know where she at..... Ookay, I'm on my way."


August texted me to come outside and I grabbed all my bags and dipped.

When I made it to his car he put my bags in the trunk and grabbed my phone. He placed it right in front of the tire and we got into the car. He drove off crushing the phone into tiny little pieces.

If it was any other nigga who did that I would've went off, but August, he's the bro. I ain't even mad.

"So, where yo aunt at?" He asked focused on the road.

"I don't know. That's the problem. But have you noticed that black car following us?"

"Yeah. That's why I passed the exit. Here get this."

He handed me a pistol with a silencer on it. I knew what we were about to do so I wasn't scared. Shit, I AIN'T NEVER SCARED! Except for that one time, but whatever.

I rolled down my window and August gave me the look to go ahead.

I stuck the gun out the tinted window and aimed it to my aunt that was in the passengers seat. With one shot I got her in her neck and August got Darrell in his head.

Their car swerved off the road and August started speeding to get away from the scene.

"We going back to the house. Where you belong."

I nodded my head and then he talked to me about how he was going to propose to Lin.


I was sitting in the living room worried out of my mind. I don't want August to get hurt and have to raise this baby on my own.

I heard the front door close and then I heard Sky's voice.

"Li Li!!" She ran up to me and then hugged me. "Boo boo! You're belly! You're big!"

We sat in the living room talking about names and then August left talking about he had to set something up for a friend. Whatever, I'm not even gonna jump to conclusions.

Forever and Always (TMOA Sequel)( August Alsina Story)Where stories live. Discover now