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It's been about twenty minutes and Lin isn't back. My mama's house is only about ten minutes away, but I ain't finna sweat it.


Ight now. Where she at forreal! DID SHE LEAVE ME.... AWW SHIT MAN!



I heard my phone ringin' in the bedroom. I ran so muthafuckin' fast. A nigga looked like Usain Bolt.

"Hello?!" I finally said catchin' my breath leanin' on the door frame.

"Um, your fiance is in critical condition." The person on the other end stated.

Naaw, she was JUST here. She was JUST kissin' me damn near an hour ago. This can't be.

"How did this happen?" I bit my lip to stop from cryin', but the tears were already sidin' down my cheeks.

"A car crash sir, but we need you down here." With that, she hung up.

I took my phone from my ear and just cried while I tried to rush to get to the hospital. I put on my Nike slides, Nike hoodie, and then grabbed my keys.


I ran into the emergency room straight to the front desk

"Ma'am, what room is Lindsey Butler in?" I asked, POLITELY may I add.

"Sir, have a seat and fill out these papers to confirm you're family" She said rolling her eyes.

See, this bitch just don't know. I cleared my throat and looked at her with dark eyes.

"Listen bitch, my fiance JUS' got into a car crash. I need ta kno' her muthafuckin' room number. Why the FUCK would you tell me ta fuckin' WAIT when I'm in a MUTHAFUCKIN' EMERGENCY ROOM?! OBVIOUSLY IT'S A DAMN EMERGENCY!"

She looked at me with frightenin' eyes and started studderin'

"R-r-room 2-2- 284"

I flashed my million dollar smile to seal the deal and ran all the way to Lindsey's room. When I got there I was nervous. I didn't know what I would see.

I opened the door and I see Li asleep.

Thank God she didn't have any broken bones, all the had was bruises on her arms and a big one on her right thigh. A few minutes later mama, my nieces, and Lil Kevin came into the room.

When mama saw Lindsey she broke down and so did she girls. It took all I had not to cry. I would've, but I needed to be strong for Lin, ma, the girls and Kev.

Kevin is only two months, but when he saw his mama in the hospital bed, he started cryin' too. After about two minutes I even started cryin'.

"Y'all.... don't.... cry" She said in a hoarse voice.

Mama was in a chair by her bed side, so I walked over to her. Kevin reached out for her, and Lin took him and the girls sat on the end of her bed.

"Baybeh, how did this happen?"

"My light was green August, but this red car, this red car kept going."

A tear escaped from her eyes. I wiped it away with my thumb.

She smiled and then sat up in the hospital bed with Kevin still layin' on her slowly fallin' asleep.

"How you feelin'?"

"Good, just a little sore that's all. Mama Shelia, thank you for being here."

"Girl, no problem. You family. You're like a daughter to me."

Mama walked over to Lin and gave her a loose hug because she didn't wanna hurt her.

"Well, I'm just gonna take Lil Kevin back home with me and the girls, y'all come on and say goodbye." My mama stood by the door holdin' Kevin in her arms.

Each of the girls gave Lin a hug and a kiss. It's amazin' that Lin has a big impact on the girls. I'm just glad they like her, well LOVE her.

Mama picked up Kevin's bag and he started snugglin' closer to her if that's even possible.

When mama left, I got in bed with Li and cuddled with her. After about thirty minutes she finally spoke.

"It was some dude that crashed into me."

"What?!" I quickly sat up and looked at her.

"Yeah, I saw him before I blacked out. I just don't know if it was an accident or not..."

She looked up at me and I kissed her forehead.

"I'll get to the bottom of this. Don't stress yourself baybeh.."

Forever and Always (TMOA Sequel)( August Alsina Story)Where stories live. Discover now