The meeting.

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Asts p.o.v:

“I’m sick of it all I swear” I yelled banging my fist against the desk causing the boys to flinch slightly at my outburst.

“Ast just calm down yeah, we will sort something” Reesh added trying to hide the concern within his voice. Yeah well, he didn’t kid me.

“Why should I eh? The whole place is a fucking state” I snarled.

“Ast you need to chill honestly, something will change I’m telling you” Marv said slapping my back lightly as he left the room. I glared at him then back at Reesh, if looks could kill those two would have dropped dead within a second. Why didn’t they care or even show they did. I looked at JB who was sat on the couch quietly to himself.

“Come on bruv support when its needed? “ I thought to myself He shook his head slightly for me to just drop it right now.

Fuck it. I’m not dropping anything.

I jumped to my feet and stormed out of the room ensuring the door slammed. I stormed straight out of modest and to where my car was parked. Thankfully there wasn’t an army of fans, I love our fans I really do but days like today I just don’t want to be around anyone. I quickly drove round to a small cafe just out of the centre of London. I quickly grabbed a coffee before hiding myself in my usual spot of the corner booth.

I can’t believe the lads. Were supposed to be brothers stand up together and if one fall downs the pick them up not kick them.

“Knew I’d find you here”

I looked up to find Marv walking towards me and sliding in the booth opposite

“Bruv, you know we all feel the same but kicking off isn’t going to help change their mind” He added

“I know that” I mumbled “But I can’t just sit back and pretend nothing’s going on” I sighed taking a sip from my drink I hadn’t even bothered with, to be honest I only really buy the drink as an excuse to get to sit down.

“No one’s expecting you to but there’s better and more successful ways to do this and your way isn’t right”

“mmm” I mumbled.

“Right, howay then let’s get back before reesh and jay start worrying”

I mumbled something about how I didn’t want to go back there while forcing myself to my seat and back into the car. It didn’t take long for us to be back at modest.

“Remember, keep your cool” Marv said as we walked up the steps and in through the main doors. He nodded at the receptionist knowing she was expecting the two of us to be back any time soon.

“I refuse to promise something I won’t keep” I mumbled. He may be talking sense but it doesn’t mean I’m going to bite my tongue. We walked the rest of the way to the meeting room in silence.

“Aston, Marvin, we didn’t think you were going to make it in time” Our main boss from modest greeted. He sat at the top of the table alongside another two associates. He quickly waved to the two seats alongside reesh and Jay. I sat down sighlently glaring across the table to him. I always thought he was a great guy. The guy who made all of our dreams become reality.

“Look, you’ve all had a great run, an amazing time in this industry and I’m not saying that’s becoming an end”

“Yes you are” I snapped

“No, I just mean, 10 albums and 10 tours is a long time to be making music and it’s a long time to try and keep on top” He added ignoring my temper which continued to rise. “ the 10 year contract was never definite we signed up for 5 albums and 5 tours and we said we would see how things go... we’ve thought about it as a company and it’s best for you to all leave now”

“This isn’t up to negotiating is it?” Jay questioned leaning over the table slightly.

“Not really, we’ve got a load of new boy bands coming in and we just feel like keeping you on is going to cause you to... well... fade out”

“Fade out” I scoffed.

What a bunch of crap.

“Aston, your fans are growing up their not the young teenagers that you started out with”

“And were not the young kids that we started out as, we grow, our fans grow or music grows” I snarled as the anger began to build back inside of me.

Calm thoughts Ast, calm thoughts.

“What he’s trying to say is, where something different to all of the new boy bands” Reesh interrupted placing his hand on my arm as a way to tell me to calm down. “The new bands coming out have to start were we started, they’re fighting for the younger fans and were expanding our music for the older fans”

“Lads this isn’t a debate”

“No this is our career you’re trying to throw down the drain” I snapped.

“No Aston, you’ve got the chance to go through with the evolution tour as you boys hoped and then look for a fresh new contract to sign with a different management or we will create a greatest hits album and a goodbye tour”

“Greatest hits album? Goodbye tour?” I spat “Over my dead body, not happening” As the words left my mouth I jumped from my seat and once again stormed out ensuring the door slammed behind me.

It’s weird how Marvin was so quiet through that. Why didn’t he say anything? Not a single word left that mans lips. Why wasn’t he defending me... defending us as a band as brothers.

I can’t believe this is happening.

Oh well new tour, new management can’t be too bad.

The JLS boys are not ending this easy.

Normal pov:

“You know I think it’ll come up brighter than you think” I smiled while finishing off the last of the highlighted foils through my customers hair.

“I do hope so” She sighed “I really did think I’d suit all dark”

“I went dark once” I grimaced as I pictured my younger days with dark hair “It wasn’t a pretty sight”

“I can’t imagine you dark” She added smiling up at me from her seat.

“You don’t want to, promise” I laughed “Anyway can I get you some magazines a drink or anything while you wait?” I asked cleaning up the rest of the bleach I had left out.

“No thank you” She replied.

It’s weird how usually through work I tend to think about stupid things like what I might have for tea or what I’m going to wear for work tomorrow. Yet all day all I had on my mind was Aston, Id think of our date and little butterflies would form in my stomach. I felt like some love sick teenager. Wow smooth (yourname). It’s nothing serious though, I can handle it, I know he will be sleeping with random girls and continuing his days as a player even though were in a fake relationship together I can’t help but adore the attention and effort he gives me.


So this wasn't meant to be anything important so I am sorry if you all found it boring. It was just a little filler that needed to be included at some point. obviously I do not know about how the boys came about splitting up. None of us do this is my interpretation of how I wanted it to be through the story so no childish comments please.

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Im getting the votes but no comments if you're reading I really want to know what you all thing, howay don't be shy!

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