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It was around about 1 in the morning and everyone had finally left. It was safe to say the house was a mess and the cleaning staff would have plenty to keep them going for the rest of the year. Seeing as I’d drank the majority of the kitchens champagne to keep myself alive through the night I was in no fit state to get home so I was to be spending the night in my old room.

Sighing I collapsed onto my king sized bed fully dressed and stared into the darkness of my old room. Since when had my life become such a struggle? I had everything I could ever want or need handed to me on a plate yet the independent side of myself keeps messing everything up. Maybe my mum is right; maybe I can’t make it on my own. She obviously has no belief in me at all. So why should I believe in myself if my own parents don’t. I’m stuck training to be a hair dresser in a salon I love but gives me minimum pay, how am I supposed to begin my own company if all I’m trusted in doing is the basic steps of hair dressing. I’m trapped into living with well a psychopath of a best friend/ roommate and well I’m in an apparent relationship with the most loved member of the UK’s biggest boy band. Why can’t my life be simple? After what felt like hours of tossing and turning I eventually fell into a deep sleep.

“(yourname) wake up”

I opened my eyes to be greeted by Ruby crouching down opposite the bed.

“Mum and dad have gone out and I have a feeling Thomas is going to turn up” She mumbled looking at the floor.

“What time do you think?” I asked, I really did need to be getting back to the flat but then again I’d never leave my sister alone with Thomas, family or not, even though he’s my brother I don’t trust him.

 “I don’t know” She shrugged “Mum said he had a card for me and that he would bring it today because he had plans last night”

“Great” I yawned.

After promising Ruby  I wouldn’t leave her home alone with a chance of Thomas turning up I dragged myself from the comfort of my bed and across my cold wooden floor and into my walk in wardrobe which was still fully stocked of clothes. I quickly grabbed my navy Jack will jogging bottoms, a black vest top and hoodie before going into my bathroom and having a shower.

“Good morning miss (your last name) how are we feeling this morning” Sandy our family’s cook greeted. Sandy is a sweet old woman in her 60’s she’s known me and my sister since day 1 and has been a huge part of our upbringing.

“Sandy I tell you every time I visit to just call me (yourname)” I laughed while sitting down on a stool at the breakfast bar alongside Ruby “But surprisingly I’m feeling great”

“Oh sorry, I do forget with my age” She smiled “It’s lovely to see you visiting again dear”

“It’s lovely to be back actually” I smiled.

“Missing home I see?”

“I guess you could say that”

“It’ll get easier it always does, anyway what would you like for breakfast, I’m making pancakes for the birthday girl”

“Sandy you do know it was my birthday yesterday” Ruby laughed glancing up from her mobile phone for a second before turning her attention back to it.

“I do know that, but I need a good excuse to spoil you, it’s not every day I have you both to myself again” She smiled before turning her back and continued to cook Ruby’s breakfast.

“Pancakes will be fine”

“My friends are completely in love with him, should have seen some on the looks you were getting last night when people found out you were together” Ruby laughed. After eating way to many pancakes we decided to watch movies in our den like we used to before I moved out. This then gave her the perfect chance to question me about mine and Aston’s ‘relationship’.

“Oh well the majority of your friends hate me anyway”

“They hate you even more now that you’re with one of the hottest guys alive”

“Ruby, leave it will you?” I sighed.

“Why, I mean come on he’s hot” She smirked obviously enjoying making me feel uncomfortable. Only if she knew why I was in fact feeling uncomfortable by these questions.


“(yourname) don’t avoid these questions, I knew something must have been going on when mum managed to pull off getting them to turn up”

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“Well, Mum said she would get someone young and cool seeing as this was the first year majority of people from my school where attending, she then said she invited JLS, She was then told by their management they couldn’t have the day off and needed to be in the studio, but the next night Aston calls saying they’ll be there”

Oh so he knew who I was? Looks like that’s another thing to add to my list of ‘things to scream at Aston’

“Oh Okay...” She mumbled giving me a funny look which I quickly shrugged off before turning my attention back to the tv.

“Look if I want to see my baby sister on her birthday then I will”

My eyes quickly shot open by the large amount of yelling that was coming from the downstairs hall way. I looked across the couch to see Ruby fast asleep like I was. Sighing I placed the blanket further over her before heading down the stairs to sort out my pain in the arse of a brother. Following the sound of my brothers deep voice echoing round each room of the house. After a short amount of time I suddenly found myself spotting him in the door way attempting to enter but failing because of graham (one of my parents more larger staff) blocking his entry.

“I don’t know who you think you are trying to stop me from coming into my own home” He yelled. By the tone of his voice I could see the frustration and annoyance that was currently running through him, this mixed with alcohol is the exact reason I hate my brother. And no hate is not a strong word to describe my feelings towards him.

“Thomas what are you doing?” I snapped standing in his view before folding my arms across my stomach in an attempt to look more confidence and hide the fear which was running through me.

“(Yourname) thank god, will you please get him to let me in” He replied trying to fake a smile onto his face.

“No” I replied shortly.

“What do you mean no?” He replied his tone quickly changing from happy to annoyed and irritated.

“No, I don’t want you here, Ruby doesn’t want you here, so leave”

“(yourname) don’t start this, just let me in my house”

“Your house? You have the cheek trying to say this is your house, it was your house and we were your family until you betrayed us in the worse way possible, no leave while you can before you’re forced okay?”

“Okay” He whispered nodding his head slowly “I’ll leave” He whispered even quieter than the first time before pulling himself from Grahams grip and storming back up the drive way out of sight.

“Are you okay Miss?” Graham said placing his hand on the top of my arm. It was only then I was shook from my thoughts back to reality where I stood in the foyer shaking with the fear which was slowly building up inside me as well as having tears falling down my face.

“Yes thank you” I said forcing a smile before quickly brushing the stray tears from my face and heading back up the stairs to where my sister was still peacefully sleeping.


Whats this I’ve posted?

Wheeeey go me.

Oh I’m so bad at this whole writing thing-.- I get so distracted please forgive me.... I say this is a long part but compared to what other people it probably isn’t but its long for me... I’d tell you next part tomorrow but there’s no point in lying so you know... Next part is going to be.... well I dont even know when, I’ll keep it a surprise ;)

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