Make me smile.

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It had been 4 days since mine and Astons date and obviously he hadn’t got in touch. Not that I had expected him to. And to be honest I’ve been enjoying rubbing it in Claire’s face that I was right about him being a player.

“Jamie that is the last time I want to come out my room and find a half naked woman walking around” I huffed crossing my arms and thinking about the awkward encounter I had with some red head yesterday morning.

“Yeah okay” He mumbled not even bothering to look up at me.

“You know sometimes you can be so frustrating” I snapped before snatching up my car keys and storming out of the flat making sure I slammed the door behind me.

As I arrived at the salon my mood was no better as I stomped through the door and practically threw everything into my locker before slamming it shut.

“What did the locker ever do to you” Chloe said from behind me.

I just grunted a response on how It was an object and they don’t have feelings back causing her to laugh at my anger only causing my mood to get worse.

“Okay so what’s happened now?” She asked coming to stand next to me.

“Jamie he’s started being an absolute arse since I went on that date with Aston” I groaned. “If he isn’t slagging him off to me he’s bringing half of London’s female population home with him” I complained.

“I don’t know why you put up with him, I couldn’t” Chloe said “Don’t let him get to you, he’s just being a prick”

“I know but he’s just so frustrating sometimes” I sighed.

After two hours my mood had picked up slightly but that’s only because of the fact Claire had finally came in and the teenagers hair I was currently dying kept keeping my mind off the awful best friend and roommate I have.

“You’re so pretty” She smiled as I began placing another foil into her routes.

“Aw thank you” I replied glancing into the mirror that sat in front of where she was sat and smiled at her.

“(yourname) There’s someone at the main desk” Claire winked “I think your mood is going to get better pretty soon” She whispered in my ear before walking off.

“Okay Amy, you need to wait 20 minutes anyway so help yourself to any magazines” I said before walking to the main desk. As I arrived my breath caught the back of my throat. Stood there looking very attractive was the man himself. Aston Merrygold. As he saw me come over a smile stretched on his face.

“Hey beautiful” Aston smiled leaning over on the desk.

“Still the charmer I see” I winked causing him to laugh slightly to himself.

“Of course babe”

“So what you doing here?” I asked trying not to sound to interested in what he was doing. I mean isn’t that what he wanted? For me to be hanging on his every word and me constantly trying to me in touch with him.

“Well I wanted to say I had a really great time the other night”

“That was all?” I questioned “Couldn’t you have just text me to say that?”

“Well yeah I could of... But I also wanted to”

“One second” I quickly cut him off “Come speak round the back” I said grabbing his arm slightly as I noticed customers coming in. I ushered him through the hall and past the customers which caused a scream from Amy and murmurs from other customers. Damn I forgot he was famous.

“What where you saying?” I asked as we finally got into a room with just the two of us.

“Oh erm I wanted to know if you were interested in a second date type thing.”

“Type thing?”

“Well I kind of guessed that you weren’t so keen on the place I chose for our first and I’m guessing you’re more of a casual date girl so I was thinking something less over the top?”

“Erm how could you tell I wasn’t keen on the place?” I asked cringing slightly at the fact I must of been so obvious.

“I don’t know, Just as I got to know you better I realised you weren’t one of those girls that loved to be centre of attention. Also your face just then told me I’m right” He smirked obviously feeling proud of himself because he guessed correctly.

“Okay yeah, But I did enjoy the night, the company more than the place” I said biting down on my bottom lip slightly to stop a stupid smile coming on my face as I thought about how well the night had actually went.

“Great so I’ll pick you up at seven?”

“Sevens great”

“See you then” He smiled before kissing my cheek again and heading back out the room and out of the salon. Did that really just happen?

A/N: Wooo! So I'm slowly getting more and more people interested in this story I really want to read what you guys think of it so far and what you want to happen. I will take some of your ideas and hopefully use them seeing as I'm practically changing the whole story line I already had written as I go along so nothing is exactly planned for this story.

Also!! I really want to get this story a lot more readers idk why but I just do! So if anyone would be kind enough to give me shoutouts etc to my twitter @Aston_M13 then I would love you a lot! Ha. But yeah next part tomorrow!

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