The weekend away part 1

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It had been 4 months since mine and Astons catch up. He had kept a promise in which he made at the end of the night and he continued to keep in touch like normal. We had been on many dates since then and things had seemed to be looking up. He’s been pretty busy with releasing their new album and ensuring that it’s a surprise he’s refused to tell me anything about any songs on it and all the clues that I have  had is that a lot of changes have been put into place. He still has never told me what was up the day I turned up at his but deciding not to push it anymore the topics never been brought back up. However it is now out in the open about us being a ‘fake couple’ We had been caught once or twice on our dates and we continued to carry on with the idea. It was then the rest of the JLS boys and their partners had complained that they had never formally met me as Astons girlfriend before we went public. And that is why I am now sat by my door with a suitcase packed waiting for Aston to pick me up for a weekend away. It turns out Rochelle, Marvins partner decided it was a nice idea for us all to go away together... obviously not knowing the one huge fact. That me and Aston aren’t actually together...

“I’m going soon” I smiled at Jamie as he left his bedroom door.

This was then replied by a mumble under his breath and a look that could kill. He seemed to be the only one who didn’t take the news that well and for the past 2 weeks me and Aston have been ‘official’ he has never said a word to me. Yet he’s managed to say plenty about me thinking I couldn’t hear.

I was soon brought out of my thoughts by a text coming through my phone.

Aston- ‘Outside x’

Taking one last look and being satisfied in how I looked I grabbed my bags before heading out of the apartment. I was dressed in some light blue jeans and a dark flowery lace shirt which was tucked into them neatly. I wore a thick black belt keeping my jeans in place as well as a pair of black and gold heeled boots. My hair was tied off my face in a messy ponytail with my makeup kept natural. As I got out of the block of flats I was greeted by Aston’s cheesy smile as he opened up the boot to his car allowing me to place my bags inside alongside his own.

“Looking forward to it?” He questioned as he opened the passenger door allowing me to slip into the car.

“mmmm, not really” I mumbled nervously as he took his seat beside me.

“It’ll be fine” He said giving me his award winning smile while giving my knee an encouraging squeeze.

It’s strange because of all the time me and Aston have spent together we have somehow managed to be a pretty believable couple. Well on my behalf I guess. I somehow managed to get the butterflies in the pit of a stomach when I first saw him, or the blush that would race to my cheeks when he complimented me and even the spark of electricity feeling whenever we touched. It was something I’ve never felt before. But I guess this will just fade out... theres no point in holding these feelings.


These defiantly aren’t feelings, just... just being friendly.

Yep, he’s just a really good friend.

“What are you thinking about?” He questioned as he pulled the car away from the path and started our 3 hour long car journey.

“Nothing, why?” I questioned.

“Mmmm, you mumble to yourself when you think really hard” He smirked. “So what are you thinking about?” He questioned once again.

“Oh you know...” I started suddenly trying to think of a reason as to what I could be thinking about “Just how we’re going to get away with this”

Ha! Good one.

“I think we’re pretty believable” He said focusing on the roads as he turned off down side streets to avoid the morning traffic which was starting to build up.

I watched closely as his lips twitched into little smiles as he successfully managed to avoid a good 40 minute traffic jam and get us onto the clear roads for our journey ahead. With a comfortable silence settled upon us I turned up the radio slightly allowing music to fill the empty space within the car.

It didn’t take long for the journey to be over with it consisting of Aston’s witty banter as well as the constant music playing. It was comforting and a lot more relaxing for my nerves about meeting his none related family. We soon pulled up at a large manor. It was located in the middle of... nowhere. I suddenly realised that this manor was in fact a hotel, much like the ones my parents had me staying at when I was younger. As expected we pulled over to be greeted by overly friendly staff which took the car from us as well as taking our luggage straight up to our room as we started to book in.

“Looks like were the first ones to arrive” Aston smiled to me looking up at his phone “Must of got stuck in traffic” He smirked obviously thinking back to how he managed to dodge all of the traffic.

“Must of” I laughed slightly to myself.

“This is us” Aston nodded as we left the lift into a small corridor where three separate doors stayed.

We walked over to room 31 where we would be stopping where Aston unlocked the door revealing the beauty of the room. Walking inside I allowed myself to take in my surroundings, It had been a while I had stayed in a place like this, 6 years ago this would be average to the posh, spoilt child side of me. The large room infront of us sat a large king sized bed with white and gold bedding. A large flat screen tv was located on the wal (much bigger than the one I owned myself may I add) With a white leather couch infront at a slight angle. There were double glass doors beside the kitchen which opened up into a balcony which looked over the beautiful country side.

“Nice” Aston whisteled as he eventually followed me inside of the room closing the door behind me.

“They picked well” I mumbled looking round at everything that was sat around me.

I suddenly felt so guilty about agreeing to letting Aston to pay for this trip.

“And before you say anything you’re worth every penny” Aston smiled picking up our bags which were lying beside the huge light wood wardrobes.

Almost like he was reading my mind.

“I just can’t afford anywhere near this” I mumbled waving my hand in the air pointing at the overly expensive hotel room, suddenly feeling stupidly embarrassed.

“Hey, I know” He smiled “Don’t worry my treat for the both of us”

“Thank you” I smiled back at him

“And seeing as its my treat you can unpack for the both of us” He smirked while trying to avoid the slap I was sending his way.

“Cheek” I laughed as he plonked himself down turning on the tv and kicking off his shoes in the process.

I was almost finished all of the unpacking when Aston notified me of the fact that Jaybe and Chloe had arrived and were currently down stairs awaiting the keys for their room. This suddenly made me realise why we were here and once again I started to feel the nerves build up inside me. I’m not to sure why, I mean I’ve met a lot of strangers, well known and rich strangers before in my lifetime yet these 3 set of couples seem to petrify me. Maybe because they know each other so well I’m scared of the fact they could rumble our secret and for the both of us to be made to look like such idiots... Or maybe is it the fact that I don’t actually want to lose this closeness and bond that I have managed to make between both me and Aston. I just.... Don’t know.


Wow! I am so so so so so so sooooo sorry

yep I haven't post in so long, ive been so busy at work everyday ive had no time:(

But basically I did jump a big chunk of time because this story is based all around the boys split, the boys splitting is one of the main causes to this story as well as the main plot as Im guessing you can tell... I don't want to drag this on anymore than it needs to and theres not that much planned to happen until the announced split!

So yeah... I know this is a bit boring but fillers are needed:)

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