Meeting the family.

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Walking into the flat I was greeted automatically by the sound of some woman giggling coming from Jamie’s room. Oh great just great. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water while trying to block out every noise that was currently coming from his room.

“I hate having a male roommate” I mumbled to myself as I got to my room successfully drowning out all the noise that is currently echoing through the flat. I quickly got myself cleaned up and ready for bed. Just as I was about to dose off I heard my phone vibrate signalling I had gotten a text.

*1 new message: Aston*

{ Had a great time tonightJ x }

I couldn’t help the smile that stretched across my face as I hit the reply button.

{ Me too, Thank you x }

{ No need to thank me x }

{ Good night Aston x }

{ Good night (yourname) x }

The next morning I woke up by a stressed mother reminding me that it was my baby sister’s birthday party and to not forget or be late. Well when I say baby, she’ll be turning 15 so not really a baby, but a baby in my eyes. I was brought up into a very wealthy family. Well when I say very wealthy I mean we all have more money than brains, well apart from me, I decided that I didn’t want to live off my family’s wealth and I wanted to start from the bottom and earn a living for myself, Which my parents obviously completely disagree on.  Anyway every year for mine and my sisters birthdays my parents through a giant tea party type affair which many well known celebrities turn up to. Mine always in my parents gardens because of the usual hot weather we have through august and my sisters is always inside because of the cold weather of October. After freshening myself up and putting on a hoodie I headed out of my room and into the destruction of my flat. Jeez if my mum was to see this now she would have me moved in back home in seconds. 

“I’ll call you later baby” I heard Jamie say from the front door.  Looks like his entertainment for the night is leaving. Thank god.

“I’m surprised you even stayed here tonight, or is he still in your room” Jamie spat as he came walking over to me.

“You’re pathetic you know that” I sighed. Seriously his childish behaviour is the last thing I want to put up with right now.

“At least I’m not sleeping round with some player of a pop star”

“No you’re just sleeping round with three quarters of the female population” I replied trying to stay as calm as I possibly could. Another argument right now probably isn’t the best thing ever. “Oh and by the way, I’m not sleeping round with him, I’ve only been on two dates”

“Are you seriously that stupid, he only takes you on the dates so he can get you in bed” He yelled startling me slightly. Okay me and Jamie have had arguments in the past but he has never looked this serious. “Are you seriously that thick to think he is actually interested in you, because here’s a hard serious fact that might hurt that little heart of yours, he isn’t and probably never will be okay?”

I nodded sheepishly not sure what to reply to him. Even if I wanted to talk I don’t think I could have forced any words to come out.

“Good” He replied. His voice was a lot softer and calmer but with a small hint of irritation in it. “Now that’s sorted, I’ll be going to have a shower” He smiled before turning on his heel and leaving me stood frozen to the spot in the kitchen.

Two hours later I was finally ready for my sister’s party. I was dressed in a cream floral dress with a brown plated belt going across my stomach making it show off my curves some more. I placed a brown baggy cardigan over the top to keep myself warm. I had my hair curled in neat ringlets and my hair as natural as possible. Apparently makeup is ‘common’ and while I am in there company I need to look as feminine as possible. Sometimes I do think my parents are from the stone ages. But there you go they practically live in their own world. A world full of flash cars and big houses. Something I left behind to share in a destroyed flat with a roommate from hell. I should really remind myself why I decided to be independent.

 “Ah (yourname) your mothers been expecting you” One of our gate guards Robert greeted. As I drove my car down the lane to the entrance of my parents mansion.

“I’m sure she has, how bad is it in there?”

“Not too bad, Ruby seems rather relaxed, your mother on the other hand defiantly not”

“Has Thomas arrived yet?” I questioned.

“Not yet, But I’m sure he’ll turn up”

“I’m not so sure” I muttered before starting the car back up ready to drive through the opening gates. My brother usually tends to skip family events like this. I don’t know why, he is a pretty private person unlike the rest of the family.

“Have a great evening miss”

“You to Robert” I replied before driving the car down the path. I parked my car up in the closest space to the door before walking out and letting myself in.

“Oh (yourname) dear” My mother gushed placing her hands either side of my face as she examined me. “No cuts, bruises, maybe you are more responsible than me and your father think”

“Wow mum I’m so glad you have such belief in me”

“I do bunny, stop trying to make a scene” She scolded before taking her hands from my face and glancing at my outfit before nodding of approval to herself.

“Please don’t call me bunny, I’m not 5 and we’re the only two people here” I said with a small hint of laughter in my voice.

“Okay okay, less of the pointless chatter go keep Ruby Company” She ordered before ushering down the hall to the main dining hall where the party will most defiantly be held. I made my way up the stairs onto the third floor where my sisters bedroom was. The third floor was just made up of four large rooms, my old one, my brother’s old one, my sister’s current one and our guest bedroom. Each room had their own walk in wardrobe and bathroom. My parent’s bedroom was on the second floor and the fourth floor was always mine, my brother and sisters ‘den’

“Ruby” I said while knocking on her door.

“Come in” I heard her cheery voice reply before I stepped inside seeing her sat in front of her dressing table. “Fancy helping me out?”

“Hair?” I questioned knowing what she was going to ask before she even said it.

“Please” She pouted.

“Fine” I smiled. I miss my sister way too much. I really need to start spending more time with her. She’s growing up so quickly and I’m hardly around to see it anymore.  “So how do you want it doing?”

“Like yours” She said pulling a cheesy grin through the mirror. I grabbed her already heated curling wand and began curling different sections of her long brown hair as I did with mine.

It wasn’t long until the noise began to grow downstairs and more famous guests began to turn up as well as my sister’s friends.

I was currently sat talking to a few of my relatives. Practically everyone had arrived and I was slowly making my way round the crowds of people.

“Ignoring me are you” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

Excusing myself from the conversation I turned round to see Aston stood right in front of me with an amused smirk on his face. Should have known he’d be here.

Woah woah woah. Big part, well It isn't really that big but it took me ages to write:(

this hasn't been edited cause im tired:(

and yeah a lot has been happening reasons why I haven't been writing one being that I had a pretty bad fall from my horse and messed all my shoulder up so I've been resting for the past week and just haven't felt like writing. But today I was actually bored of resting and decided to write instead so hope you enjoyed it!

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