The agreement

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After all the commotion my idiotic brother managed to create I decided I’d had enough in the crazy posh world my family live in and I’d much rather settle back into normality in my small flat with my roommate from hell. I looked down at my baby sister sleeping away and smiled to myself, she really has grown into such an amazing girl if only I was around more to watch her grow up. Maybe I should make more of an effort with my family... I mean at the end of the day family is family and blood is always thicker than water, right? Sighing to myself I left my sister sleeping before heading to my old room to collect my belongings and grabbing my car keys. Looking into my old wardrobe I noticed a few new outfits my mother had obviously bought me as a surprise. Smiling to myself I placed them into a bag before heading down stairs trying to be unnoticed as much as I could. I noticed my car parked up outside the back entrance near the tennis courts freshly washed and polished with all the insides hovered and smelling flowery instead of hair bleach.  Throwing all my things into the boot of my car I slumped into the driving seat before setting back off home. It was always easier to never say a proper goodbye to my family after my visits. They know its not personal and they understand why I prefer not to. My sister would get upset about how she never gets to see me and my mother would complain about how I can’t handle life on my own and I must move back home straight away and well my father... he’s a very quiet man unlike my brother he keeps himself to himself and doesn’t seem to interfere unless its necessary. I know how he feels about me living alone yet it still doesn’t make me want to move back in any more. Then again I’m living on my own with a roommate from hell, no money, and a fake boyfriend who’s a pop star... what is possibly going wrong.

“Princess is finally home eh” Jamie scowled as I walked through the door to MY apartment. Looking around I couldn’t even recognise the place it was a mess everywhere. I have never known a man to be able to ruin someone else’s home within such a small amount of time. He defiantly didn’t have a party he has no friends... unless you class half of London’s prostitutes he picks up on nights out as friends. Then I guess he has loads.

“Hello to you to” I muttered walking straight past him and into my room. I threw my bags straight onto my bed. I knew I wouldn’t be able to settle knowing the state my home was in so looks like a day of tidying and cleaning is ahead of me for today.

“So what did you do with your weekend then?” I questioned Jamie as politely as I could while he laid across the couch half naked watching tv.

“Just the usual...” He muttered not once moving his face away from the screen.

“Get pissed, spend my money and pick up girls then?”

“(Yourname) I’ve already told you this a million times, you will get your money back one day” He replied rolling his eyes at me, obviously thinking I couldn’t see.


“Jamie I’m not being funny but you’ve said this for months when are you even going to try looking for a job I’m constantly working to keep a roof over both of our heads, feed us both and fund your nights out it’s not right” I sighed while pulling out all of my cleaning products from under the kitchen sink.

“I know and I’m grateful, I really am” He smiled gently actually turning his head away from the TV and into the kitchen where I was standing. “I promise you tomorrow ill go job hunting and ill pay you back every penny I owe you and buy something pretty”

“Hmmm... well it better be really really pretty” I added pointing my finger at him.

“It will be really really really pretty” He smirked before turning his head back to the tv.

I guess he’s not too much of a pain in the arse. Yes he drives me up the wall with his disgusting living habits and his short mood swings and temper tantrums but he’s got a honest heart deep down there. Aston just doesn’t get that. Wait... Aston. Wow I haven’t spoke to him since the night he announced to my mother that me and him were dating. I should really get in touch to see if he’s sorted things.

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