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Ast’s p.o.v:

“So you what’s it going to be then” I muttered leaning back into my seat taking in the surroundings of the plain, boring meeting room we were sat in.

We’d had another meeting with modest last week and they’d given us a week to go back over the offers in which they had on the table. The offers in which hadn’t changed, they refused to keep us on for the 10 albums, 10 tours and still wanted us boys to either split or to find new management.

“Well... they have a point” Marv shrugged.

“What do you mean they have a point?” I snapped.

“Well... y’know, they have a point” He muttered looking away from my deathly glare burning through him.

“Wait, so you agree with them?” Oritse questioned sounded a little shocked as well as hurt.

“errm well” Marvin stuttered slightly.

“Howay Marv, out with it, just tell us” Jaybe replied sounding a bit annoyed. “None of us are going to solve this if none of us are actually going to want to say what we all want”

“Okay so if the cats got marvs tongue... We’re not splitting, simple as that, we start looking for new management after the 5th album and tour and then we can go from there” I stated smiling to myself slightly about how easy that was. “Now were sorted lads, fancy some food before were back in the meeting?” I questioned looking round at the three of them.

“Well what if thats not what we all want?” Marv questioned.

“Excuse me?” I practically yelled at him.

“Well, me and Roch just had the wedding and were thinking of having a family and well I just think its time to move on and grow up a bit” He shrugged.

“So you want to do the evolution tour then just a farwell tour?” Jay asked looking a little taken back from what was just said.

“Well yeah... By the time the farewell tour comes then me and Roch will hopefully be starting a family and its time to take a step back?”

“What did you mean grow up a bit?” Reesh snarled.

No one can say anything bad about this band without Reesh getting offended. JLS are this mans life, his world. He created us as a band and he created this dream. It can’t be ruined it’ll ruin him... It’ll ruin all of us.

“Reesh this band is amazing, we’ve done amazing and I’ve loved every journey of it but I just think we’re still looked at as those young boys that started out”

“Marv, so you this to end?” Jay asked although Marv had already repeated this many times it’s almost that the other three of us needed it to be reminded again to be able to let it sink in.

He just nodded his head slowly. Obviously upset but that was his final decision

“And there’s no talking you round?” I asked quietly looking down at my feet. I couldn’t give any of them eye contact. We’re supposed to be brothers and Marv just wants to go back to being 4 guys. Go back to Marvin Oritse Aston and Jaybe with no connection. Nothing that keeps us together. Nothing that all four of us share. He just wants it to be gone.

“Lads I’m sorry, I’ve thought it through so much this week, I just think in the end its the right path to take” He sighed.

“It’s okay Marv” Oritse mumbled not looking up from his hands which were placed over his face.

No it’s not, why are you even pretending it is reesh?

“Just one of those things isn’t it boys” Jay sighed slapping Marv’s back slightly.

“Mmm” I just mumbled, I couldn’t manage to get any words out. It felt like I couldn’t, I didn’t know what to say.

The rest of the day seemed to go by as a blur. We sat for another hour going over things, like when were we going to tell fans after the evolution tour before the evolution tour. How we were going to hide all of this until we decided it was right. We came to the conclusion in which we would tell our fans personally on our split once our final album was ready. I hate the thought of lying to them all, when they will ask questions about how long were going to be together and all the things we want to carry on and accomplish none of them will even expect the slightest that we’re breaking up. They just wont expect it to happen, I never expected it to happen.

We sat silent around the large table once again waiting for management to come in to go other our final decision. The sound of the clock echoed around the room as not one of us made a single sound nor moved a single muscle. It was almost as though we were all thinking the same things. Shock , of how this has even become.

Although it felt like hours we were sat there, silent, so many different thoughts running through my mind all at once, even though realistically It didn’t take long for us to be all seated and for the meeting to start.

“We’ve decided to go ahead with your plan of having a greatest hits album and a farewell tour” Oritse managed to choke out.

“We all believe you are making the right decision boys”                 He replied. “So we get the evolution album finished and out on sale, then tickets will go up for sale for what fans think is the evolution tour. Later on in the year we announce the split, the new album will come out and everyone will realise it is no longer an evolution tour it’s a farwell tour, their final goodbye, because of this fans who didn’t get the tickets origionally for the tour will want to because it’s the final one we add extra dates, not to mny because we understand it will be hard for you boys and the tour will end in London”

All of these words just poured out of his mouth like it were all rehearsed. It was all planned what was going to happen and what was to say. Yet none of it seemed to be going through my head properly. None of it was sinking in. This just shouldn’t be happening!


No evolution tour?

“Wait, we agreed to 5 albums, 5 tours. That means we only have 5 albums, 4tours... that’s not right” I blurted out. Shocking myself that I did actually have the ability to talk at the moment.

“Well It was agreed that yes, but we just feel like dragging out your career an extra year is just going to fade you boys out even more, your past singles haven’t done near as good as your others have and you boys are struggling to keep on the top as it is” He sighed.

This caused Marv to nod his head slightly.

He is currently my least favourite member of the group right now.

For now, there soon won’t even be a group

“We know this is going to be tough boys, but you have to say goodbye at one stage of your lives”

The rest of the day went by slowly... painfully slowly.

We spoke some more in meeting about final ideas until it got to hard for one day.

We all decided to leave for home early and come back to it all again tomorrow giving us some more time to go other or thoughts and what we think about everything.

I can’t actually believe at the end of this year we’re going to be saying goodbye to JLS.


WOW! This is so hard to write!

I hate even thinking about the boys being split and writing about it is just as hard.

It defiantly hurts:(

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