Meeting the family- Part 2

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“So, how come you didn’t tell me you were... well... rich” Aston questioned looking at me deeply, probably noticing the change in my appearance compared to how I usually look everyday not around my parents.

“I’m not rich, my parents are and well, I don’t tell people because they usually pretend to like me for families money and not me” I sighed. “I guess they don’t really care about me for me” I muttered glancing awkwardly at my shoes trying to avoid the burning stare from Aston.

“Drink Miss, sir?” One of the waiters offered holding out a tray full of glasses of champagne.

“Thank you” I smiled taking one while Aston kindly denied the offer.

“I know how you feel” Aston said giving me a sympathetic smile “But at least you know I never asked you out all those times because of the money you may or may not have”

“I know and that’s one reason why you’re different to all the rest”

“Different ey” He winked “So because I’m different does that mean you’re going to let me take you out again”

“I’ll think about it”

“Think about it?” He questioned a puzzled looking falling across his face. “What a way to damage my ego”

“I’m sorry” I smiled placing my hand on his arm, before walking away into the crowd of people I still haven’t spoke to yet.

“Oh (yourname) darling” I heard my mother call. Great and here I was thinking I’d been pretty successful in avoiding her.

“Yes” I smiled through gritted teeth turning round to see her stood behind me with some man stood next to her wincing under her tight grip. I should have known she would try and play cupid. Knowing what was about to happen next I quickly scanned my eyes over his full appearance as quickly as I could so he wouldn’t notice. He was dressed in a grey suit with his dirty blonde hair styled immaculately. He was obviously attractive yet looked like he was dressed for a wedding not for a 15 year olds tea party.

“This is Samuel, Michael’s grandson” My mother said waving her hand between the both of us.

“It’s lovely to meet you” I smiled before shaking his hand and turning my attention back to my mother’s rambling.

“Anyway Samuel mentioned he was single and we both know you’re not the best with the opposite gender so I thought I’d help you two get acquainted”

“Mum” I snapped trying to force a smile onto my face. “Thank you for the thought, but I’m not interested”

“Oh (yourname) don’t start this silly behaviour dear” She said smiling at Samuel “She would love to go out with you some time”

“No mum” I said through gritted teeth “Please just leave it”

“But why?”

“Because she’s with me” I heard a familiar voice reply while I felt a hand snake round my back.

“What?” Both me and my mum questioned looking up confused at Aston who was stood smiling innocently at all three of us.

“Wait, you haven’t told your mum yet? I thought you said you would” Aston asked giving me a confused look and squeezing the side of my hip encouraging me to play along with his plan.

“Errrm... No, I guess I was just about to?” I muttered looking up at him and then to my mum who was quickly darting her eyes between us both and then to Samuel who was slowly trying to walk away from the awkward conversation.

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