The second date part 2

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“How did you even find this place?” I asked as we finished our starter and currently waiting for our main course.

“It was before I moved to London, I was driving there and then back home in Peterborough most days. Anyway I broke down and I had to wait for my dad to come and pick me up so I went for a walk and come across it” He smiled looking round at the view around us.

“Bet this is the most impressive placed you’ve brought all the girls ey” I winked

“Oh yeah. All three loved it” He smirked before taking a sip from his drink.

“Three?” I asked suddenly curious of which other girls he has brought here.

“Yeah, my mum, sister and you”

Whoa. That was unexpected.


“Really” He repeated smirking at the shocked expression I could imagine that was on my face right now.

I really can’t believe that he has only brought me, his mum and sister here. I wonder why. Wait. Oh I get it he’s just lying to me. He’s obviously brought more girls here before. Oh wow nearly fell for his charm. I really need to start being more careful. The more I relax around him the more I believe the lines he says to me.

“No” I chocked through my laughter “You’re lying” I said trying to stop the tears from escaping from my eyes as I continued to laugh my head off as we discussed our worse date situations over dessert which Aston insisted I had to try there chocolate cake before I left.

“I’m being serious, she took off her coat and when I turned around she was wearing a JLS top” He groaned covering his face.

“Oh my...” I managed to say before bursting into laughter again.

“Okay that was mine, what was yours?”

“Well I don’t think It was as bad as yours” I started taking another mouthful of cake. He was right it was good. Very good actually. “So we got to the restaurant everything was great, then his ex turns up, They end up talking and he leaves to go eat with her”

“Wait he just left you on your own?” Aston questioned

“Yup, was rather embarrassing” I mumbled taking another mouthful of cake trying to avoid answering more questions about it. It really was embarrassing to even talk about.

“What a dickhead” Aston mumbled.

He can’t exactly talk. Players like him are just as bad if not worse.

After once again Aston going to pay the bill without me knowing and still not letting me add anything to it we ended up walking back to the car and began travelling back home.

“Do you find that awkward?” I asked as the proud remix began to play from the radio.

“What when one of mine and the boys songs come on the radio?”


“Kind of, I dont really listen to the radio for that reason to be honest” He smiled while turning the car into my street. “I’ll walk you up again” Aston nodded as we pulled up outside the block of flats.

“You don’t have to you know, I am capable”

“Yes but I want to” He smiled before getting out and opening my door for me and helping me out. We walked to my door in a comfortable silence.

“Do you think he’s going to have a go at you when you go back in?” Aston asked as we reached my front door obviously talking about Jamie. “Cause if he is I’d rather come in and help you, wouldn’t want him yelling at you now would I” He smirked.

Oh yeah that was the reason why he wanted to come inside. Joke.

“I think I can manage him” I smiled.

“Good” He murmured. I hadn’t even realise how close his face was to mine until I felt his lips brush gently against mine causing me to catch my breath in anticipation. He paused slightly obviously to see if I was to freak out. After no movement coming from me he placed his lips against mine in a soft gentle kiss.

“Bye” He smirked. Why was it when he did that cocky smirk I found it so attractive?

“Bye” I whispered biting down on my bottom lip lightly as he walked away.

“Oh and (yourname), I forgot to say last time, I like what you did with your hair” He smiled before disappearing down the stairs. Well that’s the first guy I’ve ever known to actually notice the small difference like my hair.

A/N: I haven't posted in a while! I'm sorry. I've had so much stuff going on for like the past week. But I'm back and writing again woo! Hopefully there should be a new part posted tonight while I'm watching X factor! wooo GMD3. Love them boys. But yeah before I go on a rant on how much I love them I'll go ha!

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