Chapter 6 - First Priorities

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Kath’s P.O.V

            “Are we there yet?” Sofia whined, hitting Louis’ arm. “We’ve been driving for forever!”

            “Uh, Sofs, it’s only been 15 minutes...stop complaining, we'll be there soon.” I sighed. "It's getting annoying, relax."

           “Yeah, well I’m not the only one who's annoying. At least I wasn’t hyperventilating when SOMEONE entered the kitchen this morning, not wearing too much clothing.” Sofia said attackingly. All of a sudden, Lou got very quiet, and no one said anything.

            “Uh, wow guys. I was only kidding!” Sofia huffed, obviously angry.

            “What a great joke, you lidiot.” I laugh off, trying to ease the tension.

            “Lidiot, ha!” Sofia starts laughing, but I could tell it was fake. The stress on Louis’ face eased, and we continued driving in peaceful silence. Was it really obvious that I was crushing on Harry? I mean, did he know? Oh god, if he did, that would be way too embarrassing, I just had to force my attraction elsewhere.


            “Here we are!” Louis smiled, turning into the studio. “Now you guys will have to go meet with Emma first for a bit, but we can all chit chat later, alright?” Sofia and I nodded, honestly too excited to speak. I didn’t mind spending time with this Emma girl first, if it meant I could hang out with Har...the rest of the boys later.

            “Hey, Lou!” A girl with blonde hair called out from the parking spot across from us.

            “Guys, this is Emma, if you didn’t remember.”

            “Hi, it’s nice to see you again Kath, and you must be Sofia right?” She smiled.

            “Yeah, I’m the poor girl who has to put up with this as her brother.” Sofia laughed and pushed Louis off of the curb.

            “Ha ha, I’m sure he’s not that bad!” Emma replied, Lou reaching over to give her a hug.

            “See, she loves me, even if you don’t.” Louis stuck his tongue out at us.

            “Alright, alright, save all this mushy best friend stuff for later. Can we go inside now?” Sofia whined...again.

            “Yeah, of course! Why don’t you guys follow me, let’s leave this loser to his work.” Emma giggled.

Sofia’s P.O.V

            Who did this girl think she is? Living it up with my brother, like they were best friends or something? How does he even know her that well? She doesn’t even sound like she’s from here...

            “So, Emily, where are you from? You don’t sound like you have a typical accent.” I laugh, trying to sound as cruel as I could. Kath gives me this look like ‘What the hell are you doing?’ but I completely ignore her.

            “Nah, I don’t. I’m from Canada actually. I’ve been living here with my Uncle for the past couple years. And I’m Emma by the way, I know the two can get confused really easily, it happened all the time back home.”

            “But why are you here? Like, why don’t you go back to your real home?” I demand. I need to know what is wrong with her, like seriously, this bitch cannot waltz into my brother’s life without some kind of interrogation, I can't let him get hurt.

            “Well things, things have been kind of tough lately, and it was in everyone’s best interest if I came here. You know, to clear our heads and to figure everything out.” Her face goes kind of downcast and she starts to walk a little slower. I start to feel bad, but before I can say sorry, she gets a message on her phone.

            “Sorry guys, I gotta go deal with this. It’ll only take five minutes, don’t worry.”

            Kath’s P.O.V

I grab Sofia and pull her into a side room while Emma goes to sort some problem out.

            “What the hell is this for, Sofia? Can’t you just, I don’t know, not be rude to people you haven’t met before?” I've known Sofia for a really long time. Trust me, she's a sweetheart, but at times, she can be a real, well, bitch.

            “Look, it’s just...I don’t want Lou to get hurt by anyone you know? I’ll do anything I can to protect him. Look what happened to my parents?!” My anger melts as I see Sofia starting to cry, about the real reason her parents died.

            “Don’t worry; everything is going to be ok.” I try to comfort her, and pull her into a hug.

            “I just wanna go home, I don't want everyone to see me crying.” Sofia whispers. I nod and get out the cell phone Lou’s letting me borrow.

            “I’ll call a taxi, and we’ll go home right now. Ok?” Sofia nods and I pull out the phone and dial the taxi number. I’ll text Lou later.

            Emma’s P.O.V

            “And I just don’t know what to do anymore! What am I even doing here? Nothing’s getting better!” I can’t hold it back anymore, ever since Sofia’s comment, I’ve been feeling like shit and tears keep coming down my face.

            “Come on, Em. What are you saying? Things have gotten better, slowly, but they have been getting better!” He wipes the tears from my cheek, and wraps his arms around me. If this pain is how it’s going to be forever, I don’t think I want to last that long.

Louis’ P.O.V

            “But you’re sure she’s ok?” I demand, totally freaking out about my little sister.

            “Yeah, she’s going to be alright now, there’s no need to worry.” Kath assures me. I hang up the phone and grab my jacket and keys. There is no way I’m going to sit here while Sofia needs me.

            “Is everything alright?” Harry asks me.

            “There’s just a little complication with Sofia, I’m sure she’s alright, but I want to just check on her.” I admit.

            “Here, I’ll come to. I’ll help Kath out, while you deal with Sofia.” Harry grabs his coat and follows me out of the room.

            “Has anyone seen Niall lately? Or Emma?” Liam asks.

            “Nah, I haven’t seen either of them in ages. I hope everything’s alright.” Zayn says quietly.

            “I’m sure things are. I just don’t want to deal with more Nemma problems right now. Sofia’s my first priority.” I answer, wanting desperately to get out of here.

            “But I thought Natalie was going to meet you here in half an hour?” Liam asks. I completely forgot, we were going to meet here, then go out for dinner afterwards.

            “I’ll just text her later. She’ll understand.” I try to convince myself.

            “For your better hope she does.” Zayn mumbles under his breath.

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