Chapter 16 - I Can't Believe It

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Liam's P.O.V

            I wake up to monitors beeping and tubes hooked up to me. Where am I?

            "What happened to me?" I ask aloud, trying to sit up, but it hurts too much.

            "Nurse! Nurse, he's awake!" I hear Danielle call.

            "I'm here babe, don't worry I'm here." She cries while grasping tight to my outstretched hand. "I love you."

Louis' P.O.V

            "Lou...." Kayleigh whispers, waking me from my sleep.

            "Mmmmh, what love?"

            "I'm not trying to invade your privacy or anything, but your phones been vibrating nonstop for the past hour or two. You should probably check it." Kayleigh tells me. I pull the comforter off of us and grab my phone off the side table. I open my new messages,

            "Holy shit. It's Liam. There's something wrong. There were complications, he's really ill." I gasp, barely able to breathe. What am I going to do?

Emma's P. O.V

            "I'm scared." I whisper to myself. They only are allowing one person in the room at a time, so obviously we let Danielle go in. I'm just so...I don't even know. Liam's like my older brother, he's always been there for me. He's one of the only people I've ever told about what happened to me. If anything happens to him...I can't let anything happen to him.

Sofia's P.O.V

            "SOFIA GET UP!" I hear Louis hiss into my ear.

            "Go away!" I groan, not wanting to get out of my warm bed.

            "It's Liam...I...I'm not sure what's all happened, but it's not good." Louis says shakily. Immediately I get up, allowing Louis to sit beside me.

            "What do you mean?" I gasp, not understanding.

            "They say...they say...there are some complications..."

            "What are we going to do, Louis?"

Zayn's P.O.V

            I still can't believe it. Only yesterday I was talking to Liam...he didn't even sound that bad. But now? Complications? He's in the hospital? In critical condition? I can't believe it, or understand it.

Louis' P.O.V

            "My brother booked you a ticket back for early this morning. It leaves in an hour." Kayleigh replies, handing me the ticket. "Sofia's staying behind, I think she's just overwhelmed right now. You'll have to go by yourself."

            "Come with me." I plead, staring into Kayleigh's eyes. "Please, I need you."

            "I...I don't know. Wouldn't it be a tad awkward, with no one knowing me? Wondering why I'm there?"

            "Please!" I beg, "I need you there next to me." I grab her hand, gazing onto her face.

            "Ok." She nods after a few minutes, "I'll get my brother to book me a ticket too." She turns to go find Jeff, leaving me to worry on my own.

Kath's P.O.V

            We've been waiting in this hospital the whole morning, and they still haven't told us anything. Everyone's on edge, nervous, sleepy and extremely worried.

            "Hey guys," Emma motions for us to come over. "Louis' just texted me, he's coming home. With Kayleigh."

            "Kayleigh?" I question.

            "His best friend from when he was a kid. I guess he didn't want to come alone."

            "Wait, Sofia's not coming?" Zayn perks up.

            "No, Louis says she's really scared. And she's pretty fragile, so if she saw wouldn't be good."

            "Guys!" We hear someone come running down the hall.

            "It's Danielle, I think." Harry thinks aloud.

            "Liam...He woke up...but now he's back under...the nurses don't want him up yet." Danielle whimpers, on the brink of tears. Emma gets up right away and pulls her in for a hug.

            "It's going to be ok, it's going to be ok." She repeats, until Danielle's eyes dry and the tears stop coming.

Sofia's P.O.V

            My mind can't rest. Its running and it won't stop. All I can think about is pain that I've felt too much.

            "Don't leave me." I whisper, being held like he'll never let go.

            "I never will." He whispers back.

Harry's P.O.V

            "Why don't you guys go home? There isn't much else that you can do. I'll let you all know when he wakes up, for good." Danielle suggests. Emma and Zayn start to protest but I cut in.

            "Danielle has a point. We're all tired, and going back for some proper rest is probably a good idea."

            "Yeah, Harry's right guys." Niall agrees, wrapping his jacket around a shivering Emma.

            "I...I guess so." She eventually agrees. Everyone else gathers their things, saying their goodbyes to Danielle and heads out to the parking lot.

            "Why don't we all just drive together?" I suggest, everyone else just too tired to say no. Niall and Emma get in the very back, Kath sits up front in the passenger seat, and Zayn spreads himself out on the middle seats. After a few minutes of driving I hear Niall's melodious voice quietly singing to a softly sobbing Emma. I grab Kath's hand and squeeze it tight.

Louis' P.O.V

            "It's all going to be ok." Kayleigh tries to tell me, "We'll be there in a few hours, it will be fine." I only nod, and wrap my arm around Kayleigh's shoulder, allowing her to snuggle up to me on the quiet morning train.

            "It has to be ok. Nothing can happen to him." 

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