Chapter 5 - Morning

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Sofia’s P.O.V

                “WAKE UP!” Kath screamed in my ear.

                “Shut up!” I groaned. Why was she waking me up so early?

                “Come on slow poke. All the boys are waiting for us! We got plans to create! LETS GO!” Kath ripped the covers off me, yanked me out of bed, and started dragging me down the hall.

                “Ow! OW! What the hell Kath!?!” I kept hitting sharp corners and getting burns all down my arms.

                “Oh grow up babes.” She let go of my legs when we had made it to the stairs. “Now are we going to do this the hard way, or the easy way?” I cracked up laughing and pulled myself up off the floor.

                “Oh, definitely the hard way.” I said, grabbing her beanie off of her head and booking it down the stairs.

                “HEY! Give that back you lidiot!” Kath demanded, running down the stairs after me.

                “Lidiot?” I questioned, twirling her hat around my finger.

                “Loser + idiot = lidiot. Makes perfectly logical sense.” Kath said angrily.

                “To you, anyway.” I threw her hat back at her, Kath pouncing on it. She jumped to land on the couch, but missed, and tumbled onto the floor with a crash.

                “Woah, woah, what’s going on here?” Louis barged in with an alarmed look on his face.  I could barely choke out what happened.

                “K-kath...w-want-ted-d...hh-at...d-drag-g-g-ed me...f-fell...” Kath and I burst out into laughter, tears rolling down our cheeks.

                “Girls.” Louis huffed, walking out of the living room.

Kath’s P.O.V

                “Ok guys, we have to go to the studio today to do some work. You can either come with us and hang out with Emma and the rest of the lads, or you can stay here and explore the neighborhood.” Louis said, giving us the options for the day. I glanced at Sofia, I hoped she would choose to hang out at the studio. Maybe I could see rest of the boys.

                “Well, why don’t we go to the studio, and then later on tonight you guys show us around the neighborhood?” Sofia suggested. She turned and winked at me and mouthed ‘Then you can be with Harry’. I knew there was a reason I loved her.

                “That sounds great! I’ll ring the lads and tell them your plans. Eat up though! It’s going to be a long day!” Louis laughed, grabbing his phone and walking to the next room.

                “I don’t know about you, but I’m dying for some breakfast.” I mentioned, reaching for some toast.

                “Ugh, how can you eat? I’m too excited!” Sofia giggled. “We get to hang out with the boys all day! And you can flirt it up with Harry!" Sofia teased, stretching out the "e" sound at the end of his name.

               "Stop, Sofia! What if he hears you!" I immediately tried to hush her. "And besides, I barely know him."

                  "Oh come on, together you'd be sooo cute!" Sofia smiled, nudging me with her elbow.

                “Who’d be so cute?” A voice from behind me asked.

                “Oh nothing...” I started, until I noticed who it was. It was Harry, shirtless, only in boxers. I nearly fainted.

a/n I know its short and all, but I have to go to Toronto today. Update soon!

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