Chapter 1

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I sat out by the river beside my brothers grave where his body was buried. Just like every other day after I returned home from the Games, I longed to forget but visiting my brothers grave made it certain that I wouldn't. I was forever haunted by the nightmares and memories of being inside the arena and I was glad I'd never have to return.

Getting to my feet I dusted off my dress and placed the Calirose on his grave. It was a beautiful genetically altared flower crossed from a Calla Lily and a simple Rose. The flower looked like a simple red rose with a calla lily emerging from the center, it was the most beautiful flower I had ever seen.

After staring a few moments at the grave I wiped a tear from my eyes and headed back across the meadow to my home. I lived in the house on the other side of Haymitch which was a certain joy, he was the quietest neighbor one could hope for. The day I turned 18 I moved out of my parents house and began inhabiting the home I was assigned the day I won the Games.

It was a nice play to stay but there was too much room for just myself alone. Because of this I spent several days and nights back at my parents home. I stayed on the couch whenever I spent the night because I hated having to walk past my brothers room to get to my own. It was impossible to make it down the upstairs hall without bursting into tears. Even for my mother and father.

I was now 21 and a mentor for the tributes from 12. Over the last 9 years I had 3 champions, 1 girl and 2 boys all in consecutive years. The first win after myself was a 15 year old boy named Willing. I was 16 when he brought my first win. The following year the second boy won, his name was Avery and he was 18. The year after him brought about my first female champion, she was 16 and her name was Lexidous.

Because of District 12's 3 consecutive wins the other districts began taking us seriously and tried hard to take 12 out before dealing with any others. This resulted in my tributes winning streaks coming to an abrupt halt. The last two years were a severe failure because both District 12 tributes were ganged up on and killed before they could leave the clearing of the Cornucopia. I felt like a failure not being able to protect the children of my fellow District 12 inhabitants.

I had just reached my front door and entered when I stopped. The mail seemed to have come early which was odd since it was always late. Leaning down I picked up the letter that lay on the floor before the mail slot and read it. It was from the Capitol. I shook my head in disgust as they never left me alone. Opening the envelope I carefully unfolded the letter and read.

Dear Aloe Mellark,

We are writing to send the word that the Quarter Quell is just around the corner. Soon two champions from 12, boy and girl, will be returning to the Arena to battle once more.

May the odds be forever in your favor.

President Finnick

I gasped before I grabbed onto the door handle to remain my balance. This couldn't be happening, I was suppose to be safe. My head quickly snapped up as I looked to the left and realized that if I recieved a letter so would the others. I wrenched open my front door and ran to the house that was my parents and burst through. I looked around and found them hugging each other, their faces pink.

I called out to them as I walked forward and they brought me into their hug.

"It's not fair." I cried to them.

Of course this would be their first Quarter Quell because the one that should have happened the year after was cancled when they had trouble finding a game maker after Seneca Crane was killed. This was the year after my mother and fathers duo victory in the arena.

That night I slept at my mother and fathers house. Refusing to go upstairs we slept on the floor holding onto one another. The Quarter Quell would begin tomorrow. Tomorrow we would either be coming back home together or one or two of us would be heading to the Capitol where we would relive the nightmare that traumatizes us on a daily basis.

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