Chapter 8

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I waited for almost two hours for the fire to reign in and slipped carefully from my source of water. I needed to keep and ear out for any tributes and an eye out for the camoflauged tent. I walked in the direction that was filled with left over smoulders and ash before I found a clearing that was fresh.

"Katniss..." I hissed. "Kat!" I said a bit louder.

I heard hurried foot steps coming out of the clearing ahead of me and knew it couldn't be Katniss running in my direction. I quickly pulled my bow from my shoulder and readied it with a arrow before I launched it into the chest of a female tribute. The girls face seemed frozen in shock as she slowly looked down at her chest that was impaled with my arrow.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I watched the brown haired woman collapse to the ground.

I carefully loaded another arrow and then moved forward to her side with caution. I knelt down slowly and tilted my head a little to the side to survey the damage.

"Win - for my son...." She gargled in her blood and then the blast went off.

I stared at her for a few minutes and then closed her eyes. In one swift movement I pulled the arrow from her chest and cleaned it off before I turned away and headed off.

"Katniss!" I hissed as I took a few steps forward with a loaded bow.

"Is that you?" I heard Katniss' voice hiss back.

"Yes its me Aloe where are you?"

A rustle sounded and I saw her head pop out of the tent. I sighed and then quickly walked the final five feet to the tent before I slipped inside.

"I thought you were dead!" She squeeked before throwing her arms around me.

"No... I found water but I got caught up and trapped by the fire." I told her.

I took my water and handed it to her. "Are you thirsty?"

Aloe pushed away my water. "Please don't you should drink it." she told me.

I hesitated a bit before I unscrewed the lid and lifted it to my lips before I took a long swig that emptied it half way.

"I need to know what happened since I was gone." I asked.

"Two more died, three if you count the one you just killed." She replied.

I nodded my head and took another swig.

"I just realized, I have no idea how many are left." I told her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Lets just stay alert until we know for sure."

I yawned and felt for the first time since I woke up the exhaustion taking over my body. Katniss told me to get some rest which I had no objection to. The second my head was down I felt the sleep take me over.

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