Chapter 23

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After Cinna and I were back on the same track he began talking with me about what kind of dress I had in mind for the wedding. I really didn't want to get married but I didn't have a choice and now it seems like the wedding day was scheduled for next week. If I was going to get forced into a marriage it was going to be the most memorable wedding ever.

After we chatted and I was dressed for dinner in an elegant red evening gown I was gathered by Jackson and escorted to the dining room. Jackson pulled out my chair for me and sat down beside me.

"You look beautiful." Jackson said to me.

In walked Tierney in her Avox uniform carrying a bottle of burgundy liquid. She looked at me and nodded her head. I was unsure but I think she was wanting to know if I wanted some wine.

I took the bottle from her hand and poured my drink myself and then offered some to Jackson who also accepted a bit.

"Tierney you don't need to wait on me I can take care of myself. Go get comfortable." I replied.

Tierney nodded her head and walked off.

"Why is she serving us?"

Jackson looked at me slightly confused as to why they were too. He said he had other avoxes so where were they? Just when I thought things couldn't get worse my mother and father walked in carrying trays. I quickly rose to my feet and took the trays before throwing them across the room.

"I don't want to see my parents like this. I want them in normal clothes doing normal things not serving us like slaves. DISMISSED!" I shouted before I ran from the room.

I headed to my room where I laid down on the bed and began crying. After a few minutes there was a knock on my bedroom door. In walked Jackson looking upset. He closed the door behind him and came to sit by my side.

"I'm sorry about that back there my father ordered them to do that. I told them that they no longer had to serve us and they were to treat this place like it was their own."

I wiped my eyes and smiled. "Really?" I asked.

Jackson nodded his head. "I'll do anything to make this easier for you."

Jackson pulled me into his arms and hugged me. "If there is anything you need just let me know."

As Jackson moved to get to his feet I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

"How is Finnick your brother?" I asked him.

Jackson looked at me probably trying to decide whether or not he should respond. After he got comfortable with his back against the head board he started talking. "Finnick is my brother I am sure you noticed we have different names and it is because after he won the Games during his time in the arena the same thing happened to him that happened to you. President Snow used him and sold him to the people in the Capitol for sex."

"So if he knows how it feels then why would he do this to me?" I asked him.

"You killed his daughter Aqua and because he no longer has any kids he is no longer eligible to run for President. In order for him to stay I need to get married."

"That doesn't make sense!" I snapped.

"The office needs to have a promised back up that is of blood in order to be inhabited. Without a family member to step in he would forfit the next running. The founder of Panem, originally the Snow family set this rule up in hope to keep their family ruling for eternity but unfortunately Snow's only child never got married so after he died the running went to my family. My brother was the only eligable relative so naturally I should be next."

I nodded my head. "So Finnick was a male prostitute?"

Jackson looked at me and nodded his head. I couldn't help but see that he got it bad. I started laughing uncontrollably and the funnier thing was that I didn't mind it.

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