Chapter 7

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I closed my eyes at the last minute waiting for the inevitable agonizing pain to come but it didn't. I should have been burning to death by now, or was I dead? Carefully I opened my eyes and sighed. The flames weren't moving towards us any more, they seemed to be stopped by a invisible wall between us. I looked to Katniss and then slowly reached my hand out only to yank it back from the heat radiating towards us.

I got to my feet and then helped Katniss to hers. The moment we took a step Katniss winced as her ankle gave out. Katniss had sprained her ankle when she fell and now her body weight and the additional weight of her back pack was too much for it.

I knelt down beside her and removed her boot and sock and saw nothing but purple green blue and red. Her ankle was swollen and it started to look like more than a sprain. She knew something was wrong and she felt it. I could see the silent screams of pain screwed up in her face. She looked up at me and her eyes were wide.

I need to think and think fast who knew how far the others were behind us and we were in the open. I took a seat beside her and began rummaging through our packs to find something that could possibly help her or atleast splint it so it wouldn't move. As I was rummaging through my bag I pulled out the awkward bundled parcel.

I set it on the ground and looked at it before I began unrolling it. Before me lay several long poles a few stakes and a awkward looking blanket like material. I rubbed the material between my fingers trying to figure out what it was. Stakes, pooles material.

"It's a tent!" I exclaimed as I jumped to my feet in excitement.

Katniss watched me as I began trying to solve the puzzle that was to be our shelter. After half an hour of fitting poles together and undoing them I finally had the skeleton of our tent together. I then fitted the cover over it and used the stakes to hold it to the ground. Finally I was done.

Katniss gasped and I turned to her. She was pointing at the tent. "It camoflauges itself!" she said.

I turned my attention back to the tent and was shocked to find that she was right. The tent's material adjusted itself to blend in with the scenery. I walked a circle around the tent and sure enough it was like a cameleon, if I hadn't known it was there I wouldn't have noticed it.

I helped Katniss into the tent and moved our things in with us. It was near night fall now and we needed rest. I told Katniss to sleep and get some rest and I would keep gaurd. In the morning I would sleep for a few hours while Katniss watched and then I would go and try and find some water.

During the night I sat and wove 3 baskets from grass as it began to rain so we could have a little more water. One of my baskets fell apart and we lost the water from it. The other two I poured into our canteens and then sat them out to gather more. Five minutes after I sat the baskets out I had to retrieve them prematurely because it seemed that the rain had turned to drops of fire. They landed on the ground and I was grateful that nothing caught fire.

Soon the rain and fire stopped all together and the sun began to peak. I woke up Katniss so she could take point and I passed out almost immeadiately. I was awaken sometime around noon, by the suns place in the sky. Katniss pressed her finger to her lips and nodded her head towards the entrance of the tent.

I carefully and silently moved forward and listened, I heard footsteps nearby and two people talking. I took a chance and peered out of the tent when I saw them. They were from District 4, I could tell from their weapons of choice, a trident for the male a spear for the female and around both of their waists were a net woven from vines.

I moved to grab my bow and a few arrows and carefully adjusted my aim before I watched my arrow soar through the air and stab the male tribute from 4 through the heart. He fell to the ground and clutched at the arrow before his hands dropped and a cannon blast filled the air. Before I could set my next arrow the girl tribute fled.

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