Chapter 16

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I sat in the tent waiting for Katniss to return. She seemed pretty frustrated before she left and it worried me. Especially since she didn't take any weapons with her so she was unprotected. Two and a half hours after she left I heard to cannon blasts meaning two people died. I wouldn't find out who it was until tonight.

It drew to night and Katniss still wasn't back. I was worried until the anthem played and two faces popped up in the sky. Katniss wasn't one of them. That relaxed me a bit, she was alive. My only worry was where was she?

Another two weeks passed by and there were two girls apart from us three that were still alive. Where they were in the arena I had no idea. Soon enough we would come face to face with one another and they will die, maybe I will die.

It was around noon time when Katniss walked back into the tent. She tossed down a bundle of berries and other things and then plopped down on the ground.

"Where have you been? I thought you were dead!" I shrieked at her.

"I was awol, needed to think about priorities." She looked across the tent at Tierney who was sitting quietly. "Seems like you are feeling better. Right in time for your death"

I gasped and moved to sit beside Tierney and shielded her. "Don't talk liike that infront of her." I hissed. Tierney began crying in my arms. "See what you did!"

Katniss picked up and knife that was laying beside her and began turning it over in hands. Every few seconds she looked up and narrowed her eyes. "You know the inevitable can't be delayed forever right."

I moved my bow into my lap and pulled an arrow from my sheeth.

"I wonder who is faster, me with my knife or you with your bow." Katniss asked me.

Katniss pulled her arm back and I quickly loaded my bow and had it aimed at her heart in less than a second. She blinked several times looking at me and Tierney. It seemed like she was trying to think out her odds. They were slim, very slim and I knew she knew it.

"Drop the knife and get out." I told her. She didn't move. "Drop It!" Still no movement. "Katniss I don't want to have to kill you like this so drop the damn knife."

She took a deep breath and dropped it. "I can't believe you would choose that girl over me." She shook her head and walked slowly from the tent. "My blood is on your hands." She whispered.

I stood gaurd outside the tent and watched as as she headed into the forest alone. From the left I spotted a girl with a spear and I quickly aimed my bow at her and shot her. It took several minutes for her to die but only because I didn't get her exactly in the heart but her lung.

Katniss turned and saw the girl and then looked at me. Without a thank you she quickly left.

"She doesn't like me does she?" Tierney asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "She isn't thinking right. It's hard for her."

"It's hard for me too." Tierney whined. "She is being selfish."

"Don't hold it against her okay love. The games bring out sides of people they never knew they had." I told her.

I rose to my feet and started a fire to cook some meat from a bird I had killed a day ago and we ate dinner.

After dinner Tierney and myself headed down to the river to get cleaned up. The water was a few inches higher and a bit faster than normal so we stayed close to the edge. Tierney's hair was long enough now that I could braid it so I fixed her hair in pigtails.

After we watched the anthem and saw the girl I killed in the sky we turned in. It had been a very quiet day and I thought it'd be safe for the two of us to sleep so with my bow and sheeth at my side and Tierney on my other side we fell asleep.

I was dreaming that I was pinned to the ground and a ripping sound was heard. I looked around and couldn't see the source until I looked down at my chest and saw a knife cutting my chest.

My eyes snapped open and I looked to my left and saw a giant rip in the tent. By my feet was another tribute going through our things. When the unknown girl stood up she had a large knife in her hands and was moving closer with it raised above her head.

I pulled back my feet and delivered a hard blow to her causing her to fall backwards against the tent wall. I woke Tierney and grabbed my bow and sheeth and pulled her from the tent. I could have killed that girl but I didn't know if it was Katniss or not. I didn't want her blood on my hands.

Tierney and I moved down the rocks and took off running into the forest.

"What's happening?" Tierney whined as we were running.

"I don't know."

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