Chapter 25

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I sat in Jackson's arm until the sun was well above the horizon. I was a bit more comfortable in his embrace then I had been two hours ago. It was around 8:00 am and I knew everyone in the house was either barely stirring or awake and lively. That was one of the things about living in the Capitol, it was frowned upon to sleep past 8:30 in the morning.

Jackson and I got to our feet and decided to head inside for breakfast. In the Capitol for the most elite families everything had a time frame and schedule. For me and my new role in my new life I had to dress for breakfast and breakfast started at 8:15. After Breakfast I had to dress for my morning meetings which basically consisted of the families history and the image we had to uphold. After the meetings I was to dress for lunch which was served out in the garden. After lunch I had to dress for going out into the town where we would be dropping in to do some press releases for the running of the Mayor ships in the twelve outer districts. In turn me and Jackson would be visiting them. In the Captol we ran everything, the President and their family were in charge and since Finnick had no children we were to step in.

When I entered the dining room dressed in a shimmering champange colored gown I was startled. My mother and father and even Tierney were dressed in normal clothes and standing beside a chair.

I smiled instantly when I seen them because I was relieved that they looked atleast somewhat normal. Sure they could no longer speak but we could get past that. I walked around the table and was embraced by my parents.

"Hello love you look beautiful." My mother said.

I stepped back slightly and looked at her with a shocked expression. "You... you .... mom you spoke."

She smiled as she nodded her head. "I know." She jokingly stuck her tongue out at me. "Its there in full."

What the hell was this a sick joke of some sort? I went a day and a half thinking my parents were Avoxes that Finnick had evily created. Now they were saying they coud speak?

Before we could dwell anymore on the situation the doors opened and in walked Finnick. All I saw was red and I was ready to attack. I stalked forward but stopped when Finnick held up his hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He threatened.

He nodded toward the back of the room wth a evil smirk on his face and I turned around. In the back of the room was my mother and father on their knees, two tall burley men had them held down. One had their hands behind their backs and the other was holding a sharp silver blade while their tongues were sticking out.

"Please don't" I begged.

Finnick walked a circle around me making sounds about my look. Finally he stopped and shoved me up against the wall. "Surely my brother has explained what will happen if this marraige doesn't work out to my great standards."

I nodded my head stiffly. "You'll lose your rights to Presidency." I replied.

"That's right. Just to give you extra incentive to do a great job I have given you a small dose of what your parents will go through if I feel like you are slacking. Don't make me make your parents suffer for your mistakes." Finnick told me.

I gulped nervously and looked into his undeniably handsome face. How could someone that looks like him be so bad. Then I remembered what happened to him and there was all the motive one already mentally unstable person needed.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him in a strong steady voice. "Whatever it is I will do it"

He looked at me with a stern emotionless face and then after a few seconds his mouth twisted into his infamous sinister grin. I could tell he was about to set out the law. In the Capitol if the law was broken our lives ended. There was only perfection, no room for mistakes and no such thing as second chances.

"As you have read in your schedules you will be visiting the twelve Districts for Governmental purposes. You are engaged adn will preceed to present yourself as such. You and my brother dearest will be affectionate. Remember as the President I 'see' everything so if I don't like the show I will be forced to administer pain. After the wedding there is the Honey Moon and I expect it to be exactly that. In about 2 months following that I want to hear word from my medical staff that you are with child. If this isn't done your parents will die." Finnick finished.

I blinked several times. What I feared most was coming true and soon I'd be reliving it. "Affection, wedding, honeymoon, baby. Got it." I replied

Finnick released me and stepped back before he straightened out his gold embriodered blaze and dusted off his pants. He turned around and faced his men before he clapped his hands.

In the corner was Tierney who was standing stiffly. I quickly crossed the room and brought her into my arms.

"Hey now everything is going to be fine." I said comforting her.

I chanced a glance at Finnick and he was eyeing me intently.

"Just to make sure I have your full cooperation." He snapped his fingers and pointed to the girl. "Boys please gather Miss Tierney."

I watched as the men walked forward and took her from my grasp. She began screaming as she flailed around in their grip to try and get loose.

"Let her go!" I shouted.

Tierney bit one of the men who in turn used a stun gun to render her unconscious. The second man lifted her over his shoulder and walked out.

"Where are you taking her?" I demanded as I took a step towards Finnick who was following after the guys.

He looked back at me and smiled. "You will soon find out."

I watched Finnick walk out of the room. The moment the doors closed my parents joined my side and embraced me.

"I promise I won't let you down" I told them.

I had just made a promise that I knew I would go to the ends of the earth to keep even if it meant being affectionate, marrying and having children with a man I didn't love. I loved my parents and would do anything for them.



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