Chapter 15

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There were 8 of us left. 8 of us that lasted another 3 weeks in the arena until another girl died. I don't know who died and didn't care I only cared that there was one less person in the arena. I lost track of how long we had been in this hell but I knew it was over two months at least.

Tierney was doing better. She had come out of her catatonic state and was now eating and drinking a little bit. She still wouldn't move or speak though but she mumbled a bit to herself. Even though Katniss had grew to accept Tierney a little bit she was still appalled at the thought of having to babysit a teenage girl.

I was prepping for another scavanging trip to gather berries and edible plants. Though me and Katniss ate meat I didn't trust Tierney in her state to be able to eat anything but mashed berries.

"I don't want to watch her." Katniss whined.

"She won't bother you Kat, she doesn't even talk."

"Still, it'd be nice to beable to just relax and enjoy a nice walk and get some fresh air." She replied.

"Fine then you go and find the damn berries I'll stay here and watch my daughter." I sneered.

Katniss rose to her feet. "She isn't your damn daughter. She is just some messed up girl who managed to make you pity her enough to do everything for her. She probably isn't even sick." Katniss knelt beside Tierney and began shaking her feircely. "Wake up Tierney and stop faking it."

I shuffled across the tent and grabbed her arms. "Let go of her you are going to hurt her." I shrieked.

Katniss shoved me and I felt back hitting my head on a small stone under the floor of the tent. Gasping in pain I brought my hand up to the back of my head and felt a large bump.

My pain brought Katniss' attention and she stopped.

"If I didn't have the utmost respect for your father I wouldn't put up with your shit. I risked my life to come after you and Tierney risked hers to save you. You owe her your acception and respect. She didn't have to do anything, she could have just let you get killed but she didn't and now you are treating her like shit." I took a moment to get my breathing regulated to calm myself. "You are disgracing your father. He would not approve of the way you are acting."

"My father isn't here and I just want to go home." She replied.

I wanted to reply but I acknowledged that it was best not to. Katniss probably didn't understand that she practically said she wanted us to hurry up and die so she could leave. Maybe she did realize what she said. I still didn't want to bring that up we had argued enough for today.

This was normal for us since Tierney had saved her life. I guess she felt like she owed Tierney her life or something. Five more people had to die before I even wanted to begin to think about who was deserving enough to live. Somehow my mind kept floating back to Tierney but then I think about the life she was going back to and felt like she'd be better off dead. Apart from Tierney I think about Katniss and the friendship I had with her father. If I was the one to make it out of the arena by chance would things between us be the same or would he hold me accountable for her death. It was way too complicated and there wasn't really a right way to solve this.

"Fine, I'll watch her." Katniss finally said after a long intense moment of silence.

I looked at her and for a moment almost considered it but then decided against it. "I think you need some fresh air you should go out. If you want to you can pick some berries and plants if not just get some air then come back when you are ready and then I will go out and get what we need."

"What she needs." Katniss corrected. I looked at her for a few moments. "You really care about her don't you." She asked me.

I nodded my head silently.

"Ok. Just remember that one of us is going to make it out of the arena. Just try not to get too attached because if she dies-"

"She's not going to die." I cut in.

"Okaay.... If, if she dies then you will be torn apart. I'm just saying if I die and she dies I want you to atleast win okay." I nodded my head in agreement. "So you know in the end if it is just us three I will try my hardest to make it out of the arena and I want you to try hard too. Don't play easy, I want the win to be fair for whoever survives."

Katniss rose to her feet and headed out of the tent leaving me speechless. What she told me wasn't a surprise I expected this when the time came so it didn't bother me. After all it was a fight to the death.

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