Chapter 2

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The next morning was like dejavu. Just 9 years ago my family and myself were doing the exact same thing, sitting in a zombified state around the table. The only difference was my brother wasn't here with us. An hour before the Reaping started Haymitch came over to see how we were doing. Soon after his appearance he tore us from the house and we headed down to the square where the Reaping was held every year.

As we arrived I walked up and signed in before I took my place in the line with the other Champions. I looked up at the bowls and saw they were fairly empty. I knew in the males jar there would be atleast 6 Champions. Haymitch, my father, Willing, Avery and two other champions that my parents had when they were Mentors. In the females it was myself, my mother and Lexidous. Two would be chosen, one from the males and one from the females.

I stood holding my parents hands in the square waiting for the Reaping to begin. First came the longest speech ever. The person explaining that because of there being no Quarter Quell during the 75th year that this time around was going to be something special and exciting. I felt shivers run up my arms and I tightened my grip on my parents hands.

Then came the drawing. Like always ladies first. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes waiting for a name to be called. Suddenly I heard my name and my eyes snapped wide open. I looked around uncertain as to who called it until I realized everyone was looking at me including my parents.

I walked up to the front of the stage and stood with my head held high and my face emotionless. I looked right at my mother and shook my head as I knew what was next. The lady beside me asked for any volunteers and just as I knew it my mother stepped forward. She came up to the stage and tried to push me away but I shoved her away.

"I'm not going to let you do this again Aloe." My mother cried as two peace keepers took her back into the crowd. "ALOE!" She screamed as I turned my head away to avoid her gaze.

After everything was silent and order was restored the woman walked forward and stuck her hand into the opposite bowl to draw another name. I watched carefully as she smoothed out the paper and then read the name.

"Peeta Mellark!" Her voice rang out.

My head snapped in the direction of my father as he was joining me on the stage. He expression was disraught. I knew what he was thinking. One of us had to die in the end if we survived long enough. If we both died my mother would lose both her husband and daughter.

My attention was grabbed as my mother was sceaming. Two peace keepers were holding her back as she tried to run forward. I moved into my fathers arms and covered my ears as I tried to block out her screams.

"Ahh interesting already the Games are becoming. A father and daughter Tribute. Surely there are no volunteers are there?" She asked as she looked over the crowd.

Everything was still until a man moved forward and started heading to the stage. His scruffiness and appearance had always frightened me as a child but for the first time in my life I was thankful to see him. Haymitch joined us at the stage and cleared his throat.

"I volunteer." he spoke.

Haymitch was well into his late eighties and everyone was shocked that he was still alive. Especially with all the drinking he does. He moved past my father and nudged him away. With a nod from my father he left the stage and pulled my mother into his arms.

Lexidous moved to the stage to give a small speech and then we were moved into the Justice building where we would be saying our goodbyes and waiting until the car came for us to take us back to the train that would take us to the Capitol.

While I was waiting in the building my parents walked in and embraced me. We stood in that hug until the peace keepers told them it was time to leave. Suddenly they escorted us into a black car and we were taken to the train. The moment I entered the train I went straight to my compartment and threw myself onto the bed and lay there crying.

The next morning around noon a knock on my door called my attention, it was Haymitch. Apparently he wanted a word with me. I moved with him into a sitting carriage and waited for him to begin.

"You are going to win okay? No matter what happens keep focus and try your hardest."

I nodded my head "You volunteered for my father. Why?" I asked him.

He was quiet for a few moments before he spoke. "Your mother and father had enough bad luck. First they both were pulled into the competition and then you and your brother. I'm not letting this happen again. Plus I'm dying anyways so all I am doing is making it happen faster." He said before he took a drink.

"You're dying?" He nodded his head. I watched as Haymitch rose to his feet and headed out of the cabin.

"We should be arriving soon" He added before he slipped from the cabin.

The smell of lunch grabbed my attention and I wanted more than anything to eat but I wouldn't allow myself to. A half an hour later we drove through the familiar tunnel that was the entrance to the Capitol. Five minutes later the train slowed down before it stopped all together. The doors opened and myself and Haymitch were greeted by familiar faces and not so familiar faces.

I was pulled off in one direction and Haymitch the other. I knew what was next, my make over. I wondered if Cinna still worked here. If he did he'd be well into his later forties maybe even early fifties. My question was answered as I entered the room where my make over would begin.

Cinna stood before me. He seemed a bit on edge or atleast a little bit depressed. It made me curious as to why. He was normally a friendly person but while I was being made over he was quiet, no one spoke not even my stylists.

Suddenly the tv came on and replays of the Reaping for the Quarter Quell was replaying. This time around all the Tributes were announced backwards. They showed me being called and my mother and I fighting over her trying to volunteer for me. Then they showed my father being called and Haymitch volunteering for him.

Next was District 11, then 10 and so on and so forth until District 1 came around. I had spaced out briefly and missed her name but I watched as a tall dark skinned girl walked to the stage. She had curly brown hair and everything about her seemed familiar. Then I heard them repeat their Tributes names.

"Katniss Eamon"

The first name was familiar and I only knew two people with that name, my mother and Cinna's daughter. Then it hit me. My Cinna was the father to Katniss Eamon from District 1. That explained his mood and why he was appearing to be on edge.

The girls picture flashed on the screen again and I saw her better. If I hadn't been told by Cinna himself before I went into the arena 9 years ago that she was a year older than myself I would have thought she was barely 15. She was small for her 22 years of age.

I turned to him and saw him with his back to the room. He looked to be trembling.

"Cinna... I'm sorry." I whispered to him. Without a word he walked from the room.

The Hunger Games - Rebirth - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now