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Lungs feeling like fire as the white tiger collapsed to the ground exhausted from running for hours. As the tiger lays down, it begins to feel groggy and droopy for all of her energy being drained out of her. This tiger closed its emerald green eyes to finally get the sleep it deserved, thinking it was going to get a full bar of energy. In a flash, a small herd of deer rushed by, waking up the striped cat.

Kri, the tiger's name, was eager enough to stand up and yawn wide to take a few steps toward a thud she had heard moments ago. The tiger then saw what looked like an over-sized wolf feasting on a deer near a few large trees. Kri let the saliva travel down the side of her mouth for letting the scent of the deer's meat make its way into her nose.

This tiger started to feel like she was to eat too since this alpha wolf was devouring a trophy into its stomach. Kri was ready to pounce and steal the carcass away from the wolf, it was too late when the wolf's head shot up for a sound ringing into its well pointed ears.

Kri watched the dark animal sprint off away from her kill, abandoning it completely. The white tiger with amazing green eyes didn't pay any attention to the deer, its focus was on the bolting wolf. What is it that it heard?

The wild cat followed along the wolf's trail to discover where she was heading in such a hurry. Images of the forest floor bounced for running at fast paces, yet the tiger caught up enough when the wolf stops in her tracks behind bushes near a road. A new animal caught her eye, a bigger one too. Was it tin? A monster that rolls on the flat rock? Kri uses her black stripes to blend in with the shady leaves and twigs with her white coat was becoming filthy from her durst baths.

Kri growls lightly for this unknown thing coming into her home without permission, so did the wolf just feet away from her. Claws digging into the soil and finally seeing what was inside the truck... four green bipedal things with a girl and boy. The wolf and tiger watched these new things speak a language they haven't heard in a very long time. 


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