Final Task

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Raph screamed through his entire fall and Kri twists and turns her body until they hit whatever waited for them. They had the worst tingly feeling swim through them, not able to breathe in the air, heart sinking, and actually falling into running water.

Rocks splashed inches from their bodies and sank to the bottom of the waterfall's pool. It was like a meteor shower but it's underwater.

The tiger kicks her front and back legs to paddle up toward the surface, her air is running out. She can feel her head pound from lack of air.

So does Raph. He swam to the dimmest light above him until he gasped in the smokey earth.

The cold stinging, freezing water numbed up limbs because there was no sun to warm it up. Just an angry spirit changed the temperature.

Two black and white paws with a large cat head spat out filthy water. Kri immediately targets the shore where Raph was already heading to.

"Raph," Kri said coming to the shallow pool floor, feeling and hearing water drip from her body. She blocks out the cursed yells of the unknown coming down from all around to haunt her innocent mind. "Something is wrong." She collapsed on a fresh moss bed by the water, Raphael crawled to her quickly.

From behind them, dirt and small rocks skid down a path that led to the bottom of the waterfall. Leo, his brothers, and other three animals slow down the pace when they saw Kri and Raph still alive.

"Guys? Guys, are you okay?" Donnie panted, slipping on the moist shore.

"We're okay." Replied Raph looking at Donnie and back to the white tiger. "Kri doesn't feel herself."

"Doesn't feel herself?" Hawk says walking to the tiger who looked extremely tired. She then believed it was a coincidence when the wolf grew groggy and yawned. They have never encountered feelings like this.

Donnie caught on. He looked at the countdown until the full transformation on his highly advanced watch. "Uh--"

Leo sees his brother is trying to adjust to some new information. "What is it?"

"I-I think we're almost out of time. Two days?"

"W-What? Out of time?"

Maybe when a blue light appeared near the water, it gave everyone a small piece of hope again. It was the same old light whenever the Indian chief would have something to say. The tall chief, Running River showed up with a look of grief.

"Hello, children." He nodded.

Hawk came to his tall figure. "Running River, Nizhoni nearly killed us." She whimpers. "What is it now?"

"You are running out of time." He said. Well, there goes the hope. Running River's old and worn out spiritual face was not feeling like the wise chief he always is right now. "I can see a bright spirit in all of you. Instead of four days left, you have two."

"What? But, why?" Hawk asked.

"Trust in me, Hawk. Four days is too long." The glowing blue chief says. "Nizhoni is out for blood now that you all survived her menacing games. She won't poke, pull, or push. Her anger will drive her to kill you. Four more days of agonizing torture from Nizhoni is something you don't deserve."

Leo sighed. He's dealt with a villain and many types of crime back in New York, but a spirit is very new. Can you even defeat something that is for real dead? Is this going to a fight? "How do we avoid this, sir?"

"Work together and you should succeed." The Indian chief bowed his head when he said this. He moved on to the next big event. "When the two days are up, you must go to the tallest mountain on the north side of this forest."

"What is going on there?" Shado asked stepping closer.

"At exactly midnight, magic happens." He stops. "You must hurry on the second day because the conscience of your bodies will mature. You four Soulbound students are experiencing exhaust and confusion due to the bound coming to an end. Don't be late." With that, the chief draped in deer skins, beads, black hair, and a feathered crown faded into the dark surroundings.

Griz slumped by the white tiger and spoke. "Now we have to fight?"

"Looks that way." Leo kneels on one knee, picking the small rocks away from his fingernails. "You guys don't worry about a thing." He looks at all the animals. "We'll take care of it."

"No," Hawk said. "That snake is powerful. Leo, you think you and your brothers can beat her, but you can't. Four mutant turtles against something that has incredible abilities? It won't work."

"Yeah, Leo," Shado says, yawning and stretching out her body and laying out her spotted body. "We put ourselves here for our behavior as humans. It isn't your guy's job to help us get our bodies back."

Leo smirks at the king cheetah and sees the huge wolf staring into his blue eyes. The leader stands up and walks to Hawk, kneeling in front of her face as the rain began to sprinkle over them. His green hands press on the sides of her wild dog face massages gently. Leo whispers. "I promise we will do what we can to get you back into your human lives. You will always be the wisest wolf to me, Hawk."

Thunder brews in the clouds when their foreheads touched each other. It was almost time for the transformation. And the only way to get to the trophy is to show the king cobra that Soulbound is much stronger than selfishness and power.

Raph brings her arms around Kri, embracing her into his body, letting her know he will always be there for her.

Donnie brought his hands upon the grizzly bear. The fluffy brown animal hid her face in his shoulder, slightly placing her weight on him

Mikey extended his arms to feel the black spotted cat give off warmth. Shado purred as she rubbed herself all over Mikey's face and plastron. She felt strange. Protective and caring. Same with the others turtles and animals.

"Everything will be fine." Donnie said.

"We promise." Mikey said.


Hey everyone! Soulbound is coming to an end very soon and I want to say thank you for reading this far.

I have plenty more fanfictions in my works including Mutated Apocalypse, Transformers, Amethyst's Gift and MORE.

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