Freedom of a Wolf

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"So, what are you gonna say to Leonardo?" Griz asked looking at the pack leader.

"I don't know." Hawk says. "I need to get to know him, that's all."

"And then what?"

"Not sure. We're just gonna have to find out." Hawk leaves her four companions in the forest so she can officially begin her quest in becoming human again.


Leonardo found a very peaceful area of the forest where all trees wave smoothly. The wind is fresh and flutters his blue mask tails.

The day he met Hawk, was the day the brothers and animals arranged meetings. Leo meets with Hawk, Raph sees Kri, Donnie and Griz, finally, Mikey meets up with Shado.

The first brother waits for a wolf that is nearly the size of a price horse. Leo is patient and only hears birds chirping, leaves rustling, and soon four loud paws hitting the ground. Closer and closer until Hawk bursts out of the bushes to see the turtle once again.

"Hello, Leonardo."

"Hawk, it's great to see you again." Leo bowed quickly.

The wild dog tilts her head. "I see you're the responsible one."

Leo speaks as Hawk replies with her mind.

"Well, I guess you could say that." Leo chuckles as he watches Hawk lead him to the edge of a trail. It has a surprise that made Leo smile in awe. "Wow..."

A valley of newborn trees, a flowing river, the blue sky, geese flying, sun showing off every possible shade of color from nature.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Hawk had a small expression for her to show she's happy. "This is where I first woke up..."

"First woke up?" Leo asked. "As a pup?"

Hawk sighs. "Sort of. It's hard to explain." She says.

"Is there a reason why you wanted to arrange something like this, Hawk?"

Her wolf eyes meet Leo's blue ones. She whimpers. "I'm not sure if I should tell you yet."

This did make Leonardo somewhat the wolf is hiding behind her gorgeous eyes, but he let it go for now.

"You don't have to say. But to move on from the awkwardness, let me ask you something."

"What is it?"

"You're a wolf. What is it like to be free and do whatever you want?"

Hawk wasn't sure where to start. Even though she could hardly remember her life as a human, she loved having the body of a wolf and the life of one. She sees herself running down steep hills, swimming in small bodies of water, hunting, and most of all... howling.

"It's amazing. You don't have to worry about anything but yourself. Not having to rely on anyone. Sometimes I feel like every animal in these woods are quiet so they can hear my cry to the moon at night."

"Do you ever get bored with it?"

Hawk shook her head to the right and left. "No. I never get bored with it. I feel like I rule this place."

"If I were to become like you, what kind of advice would you give me?"

"Like me?"

Leo nodded.

"Do not become a selfish wolf like me. To never lose sight of who you really are as a person because one day... you'll lose yourself."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Leo smirks patting his hand on top of her thick, silky fur.

A small growl interrupts the conversation. The white tiger sits tall on the trail.

"Kri." Hawk says.

"Hawk." Kri greeted.

"Oh," Leo looks at Hawk. "Raphael wants to see Kri as soon as he can."

"That's fine." The wolf looks to the tiger. "Quick discussions only, Kri. Nothing over the line."

Kri bows her head. "Certainly. I'll be waiting at the camp."

Hawk's tiger friend leaves the two leaders on the edge of the valley.

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