A Spark of Madness

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Donnie kept eye on every move the quads made toward he and his brothers. He wrote down things that relate to spirits, telepathy, and the northern lights. His thoughts came to a conclusion of the while Soulbound ending in a beautiful aurora borealis.

"Hmm." He mumbled, closing his notes and tucking his pen away.

Hawk caught sight of him."You okay?" She asked. Donnie nodded.

"Yeah. Its just the whole spirit thing is very fascinating." The turtle adjusted his glasses. "But it is a clear day today. I say we all go down to the river, glow worm cave, waterfall, and the valley you took Leo to."

"Sounds like something to keep our minds off Nizhoni."

"That a good thing?"

"Yeah. Get your brothers. I'll tell Griz, Kri, and Shado to head there. We're gonna stay close by as well." Hawk licks her muzzle and turns to the bear, tiger, and cheetah near the bushes. She communicated the plan for the day and all four agreed to a play-day with the brothers.

Donnie came off the log and walks to the back of his Tartaruga garbage truck where his brothers replayed memories of last night.

Leo played with the ribbons on his katanas, Raph set his weights down under the seat, and Mikey ate a few chips from the cooler.

Nizhoni will do anything to keep these four animals from being human again. She'll even take the step of killing all eight of the victims.

Donatello steps into the truck. "It's a great day outside. Hawk and I thought all of us should go to the river, valley, waterfall, and glow-worm cave." He placed both hands on his hips.

"Getting out of camp sounds like a good idea." Leonardo is the first to hop out of the vehicle and wait for Raph and Mikey to approve of a new adventure. "The valley is great, guys. Get off your assets."

"I don't wanna get attacked by that cobra again." Mikey said.

"You weren't attacked. Shado saved you last night." Raph told him. "Come on. I'll show you where Kri had me jump off a ridiculous cliff." The second eldest turtle leaped out.

"Mikey." Donnie still stood in the truck. "Glow-worm cave, remember? Nizhoni won't come back."

The orange turtle glared at his brothers. "You don't get it, do you? Running River said that snake will appear in animal, human, and spirit form. She can strike anytime she wants."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Have bravery, bro. That's why the quads are here to protect us."

"It'll be fun. Shado will be right by you." Donnie smirked. Mikey smiled a little and was thankful for her actions last night. He did think it would be nice to get his mind off that close call. "Glow-worm cave?"

The other three nod happily. Michelangelo stood up and jumps out the Tartaruga.



Griz snatched the first fish put of the river and tosses it on shore. Shado chirps, stabbing the animal with her curved claws.

Hawk and Kri lied in the shade as the sun blazed over them, they waited for the brothers to arrive.

"Come on! Get in the water." Griz roared.

Kri shook her head. "No thanks. We got five days left and you want to play with fish?"

The bear slumped in the water. "Have some fun, Kri. When we change back we won't have this kind of fun as animals."

Kri growls, setting her head down on her big white paws and used the river's waves as a lullaby.

Then Hawk's nose twitches when is caught Leo's scent, she got up from her nose bed and heard the bushes rattle. Leo is the first to burst out.

"Hiya." Mikey is second, and saying hello to Shado.

Donatello is third, and Raph is last. They greeted the tiger in the shade and bear splashing like a child.

"Hello, Hawk." Leo said sitting beside the oversized wolf.

"Hi. Donnie and I had the idea of bringing everyone out to spend the day."

"Is there a reason for that?" Asked Griz.

Leo shook his head. "No. We just thought all of us should have a little fun today."

"I like it." Shado says nudging against Mikey's leg. "Can we start with the Glow-worm cave?"

"Then lets beat paws and feet!" Mikey smiled.


The slithering serpent glared through the bushes and kept her eyes on the four reptiles with the four animals. She was angry because the healing power Mikey and Shado were able to keep one of the animals alive.

Nizhoni turned her snake form into her very beautiful yet evil young woman and picked up two stones beside her feet. Black hair reached her rear, very gorgeous dark eyes and tan skin. She is dressed in animal skins with black feathers decorating her hair.

One rock in her left, the other in her right, Nizhoni then collides them both together. It took two hits until very bright orange sparks dive into dry pine needles.

The birth of a flame didn't take its time to feast on the natures plant and created an even bigger light.

Nizhoni smirks evilly at what she has done.

Fire crackles, flicks, and eats away at the first tree it is closest by. The bark fades from a grayish brown to pitch black as the flames burned it well. That is when Nizhoni vanished into thin air to watch the disaster from above.

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