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The king cheetah leaped and ran through the forest as she would always have the energy that a puppy would have. Her daily play schedule was interrupted by a grizzly bear and a wolf challenging each other a natural match. 

The king runs toward them both for curiosity, she suddenly stopped in the middle of the run because she saw something better than a fight. Shado saw a bench and a couple things sitting at a campsite, then she heard the bear and wolf stop having a go.

Shado listened to an engine pass by in her area and watched it pull into this site. This cat was very, very interested in the big animal parking itself to let new creatures take her eyes away.

"Whoa..." she muttered. "Aliens?" she chirped. 

Sure, they could be aliens to her and animals that have never seen humans before, or large mutant turtles that talk and have knowledge of a real human and walk exactly like one. Shado hunkered down lower in the grass as she concealed her figure to have a closer look at the new creatures of the forest.

"Casey, come over and help." one of the green turtles said to a human. Shado was not sure what language they were speaking, but it sounded familiar to her.

Suddenly, Shado felt her mouth watering, coming down her chin and neck like a small waterfall in a creek. She could smell the live meat travel to her nostrils to signal her brain it was time to eat, but she wasn't so sure about eating these people and turtles.  

The cheetah had one look around the campsite from her position and found three more animals hiding in different directions. A wolf, white tiger, and a bear peeking in on the business with the campers.

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