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Snooping around in a campsite was a very extreme choice for the four female animals to be choosing. Four creatures step out of the truck and make the four flinch in the bushes. The wolf called, Hawk growls lightly. Shado the king cheetah hunkers lower. A grizzly bear named Griz snorts. And a tiger who answers to Kri chuffs. They listen.

"Well, guys! We made it safely to the site." A bipedal turtle in a blue mask announced. "Yo, Mikey! Get out of the truck and unpack!"

"Who are these guys?" The wolf asked telepathically.

"You just talked?" Griz was surprised.

"Of course I can talk. What about them?"

Shado and Kri hear the two other animals communicate and talk as well.

"I have the same question, wolf!" Kri growls. "Who are they?"

"Aliens?" Shado says.

"Can they hear us?" Said the white tiger.

"No. I'm gonna find out exactly who they are." Hawk snaps and sighs. She felt like she should be in a calmer mood. "I'm Hawk."




"Nice to meet you three. I believe it's weird to see a tiger and cheetah in these woods."

"Hard to explain." Said Kri. "I... I have no idea how I got here."

"Same for me." The cheetah lies down.

Hawk watches the creatures again. This time six of them are out. The blue mask, a red mask, purple and orange mask. Then two different ones who look like humans. This was familiar to Hawk. "Hm..."

"What?" Griz groaned.

"What are they? Not the green guys, the--."

"Humans. They're humans. I think you have the same question I'm thinking."


"I feel like I don't belong in this body." Griz replied backing up. "Come on. We all should leave before they see us. Let's come back tonight when they're asleep."

"Good idea." Shado chirps.

With that, the wolf, tiger, bear, and cheetah retreat farther back into the woods. They all wonder who the four reptile people are in the campsite, along with why humans trigger a weird memory.

But just like how a wolf should, Hawk becomes alpha automatically and leads her three new friends. She howls to call someone who is very close.


"What was that?" Mikey exclaimed looking to the thick forest. A deep and strong call of a wolf travels as far as it cam to make itself known to others. It certainly spooked someone in the camp.

"Just a wolf, bro." Raph assured him. "There's six of us and one of them. Don't worry."

"Ugh, you know what sucks about camping?" April loudly questions Casey and her four friends. They stop unpacking to listen on what she has to say. "There's no toilet."

"Get used to it." Casey laughs. "We're here for a month."

"Enough chat, guys. Once we are done unpacking and got the tents up, we'll talk then." Leo butted in.

"Fine." April scoffs. "I hope this is fun."

"Trust me, it will be." Donatello sets a cooler in the middle of the site. "Hey, April, maybe you should sleep in my tent."

Raphael hit his brother's shoulder to snap him out of the thought he's thinking. "Stop with the sexual thoughts."

"I wasn't. Jeez!"

"Knock it off! Someone set up the tents while I start a fire." Leo hops from the back of the customized garbage truck. The first thing the eldest brother does is gather up dry firewood near the bushes and obviously from branches which have fallen from the pine trees. Leonardo walks up to thick bushes, but to find something hidden under pine needles. "What the--?"

The turtle crouched down to reveal an odd shape to his eyes and slowly adjusts to see it's a very obvious shape he knows. "Holy shell." He lightly touched it.

"What is it?" Raph comes up behind him.

"Wolf tracks. They're huge!"

"That's not all, Leo." Donnie called from the other side of the bushes. "A bear, and two large cats."

"Weird..." Leo puts a hand on his chin. "We better secure this place. The tracks in this mud look fresh."

"There're tracks?!" Mikey shouts.

"Sh! What did I say? Unpack. There's nothing to worry about. The wolf is gone."

"You're saying that to make me feel better."

"Mikey, if it really makes you feel better, then I will give you a kiss on the cheek." April giggles.

"I feel better already."


Shado came aside to Hawk's flank and chirps as loud as she could. Shado was calling someone, too. Griz roared and so did Kri.

"Cobalt!" Hawk cries.

"Sasha!" Shado chirps one last time.

"Riki!" Griz bellowed.

"Briar!" Roared Kri.

Hawk hears a call from above. Cobalt arrived. A black crow swoops down to glide above the large wolf. It was Hawk's companion.

A high-pitched screech got Griz's attention. One Peregine Falcon dives below from the sky to a line herself with the bear's head. Riki is Griz's only recent companion.

A very silent flier was next. A light colored barn own named Briar spun toward Kri. Speckled chest and a very beautiful face.

Then one loud roar gave the wolf, bear, and tiger a jump as they continue to run. A black leopard leaps from the brush to run beside Shado. The other companions are birds and the leopard names Sasha was the only companion that was a wildcat.

"Meet at the waterfall. We have something to discuss!" Barked Hawk.

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