Tick Tock Lullaby

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5:00 pm

Two hours of trying to keep four struggling animals on their feet. The sun went down over the hills to create the same beautiful sunset that everyone would see all the time.

It was hard for Leo to believe that Hawk had lost her voice, the only thing that she could use to communicate other than her eyes and her body language.

But the turtle brothers lean against the animals to keep them on their feet and moving. They could still see the top of the mountain. The animals were weak and lethargic from their changing bodies. It won't be long until a solid animal mind will take over them. Their human conscience will vanish forever if they don't make it up to the tallest rock in time.

Leonardo had realized that the more everyone went farther and deeper into the forest, the public trail is disappearing underneath them. This meant that private areas will be encountered and a much difficult journey.

"We'll get there." Leo told the wolf. Of course, she couldn't respond but give him a quick lick on his face.

The four females are still very exhausted from nothing but the change. All they want to do is fall asleep but they know they can't or else they'll feel like they had failed themselves.

The king cheetah, Shado knows that nothing is impossible and that anything can happen if you put your mind to it. Her animal senses tell her that it isn't over yet. The evil harsh games from Nizhoni.

The spiritual companions watch over them like guardian angels, taking flight in the sky, including the black panther named Sasha. Everyone is glad to see them but they still focused on their mission.

Cobalt, Hawk's companion was the brightest of them all. She and the other three animals combined into one large orb of light and burst like fireworks. The whole point of this is to give them another hour of strength and confidence. But this will be the last time that they will help the quads. Afterward, it'll be time for the companions to move on and live with Running River.

It was unfortunate for Hawk to lose her voice first. She is alpha among the three animals and she was the first to lose her ability to speak. Cobalt understood and said goodbye. The black feathered bird squeezed into the wolf's head and said farewell and that I was an honor to be her friend.

As they walk for the last few hours it was like an imaginary lullaby had been turned on in the air. This lullaby wasn't meant to put them to sleep or make them feel tired, it is to boost them.

The females didn't feel the need to be pushed against anymore so they stand tall on their four feet. Hawk nuzzled Leo's neck and leads on without a path to follow.

The white tiger's whiskers twitch, the bear breathed out roughly, and the king cheetah felt like she wasn't going to faint again.

It isn't impossible to beat someone mischievious and unkind like Nizhoni. It won't be long until she is put in her place and will learn her lesson that it isn't going to solve anything if she kills. If she is to win and gain power, all she will do is harass and get more access to the real world. Her favorite thing to do is make sure people don't get what they need to win. When she's defeated, the Indian chief, Running River will make sure she will never return to bring harm to those that don't deserve it.

Mikey and Donnie look up as they clung or stood close to the animals. Their eyes were very interested in the constellations above and soon they saw a spark of green light appear at the peak of the mountain. They had a feeling that the spirits are watching them and waiting patiently.

Donnie smirked at the lights flickering in the air what may be miles away. "I'm very curious to it will be a witnessing tonight." He said to anyone who would answer.

Raphael answered him. "I guarantee you guys that this will be a day to tell our kids."

Kri sighed. "I hope the transformation won't hurt us."

"I'm sure it will not hurt." Raph told her. Then there was the sound of crickets. Real crickets making a very peaceful orchestral sound. Or there were the owls in the trees, or a few crows flying late to their nests, chipmunks getting to there knot holes in trees, and the moon lighting the way. The moon was like a big flashlight in the sky, there wasn't the darkest place of ground that it couldn't cover. This friendly white light shined bright on this special night just for the quads and mutants. Mikey believed it was wishing them good luck.

The wind also played a big part, too. A warm breeze swept off the turtle's shoulders and crawled in between fur. Mosquitos weren't even around to distract their bodies, neither are moths and spiders. It's as if the trail is cleaned up especially for these eight friends.

8:34 pm

Step after step, breath after breath, they all marched up the hill until it slowly took its time to get steeper. It is incredible that they haven't made a rest stop in the past few hours. Two hours ago the quads have lost their strength and confidence... Kri lost her voice after that hour. They were nearly done. All Hawk and Leo needed to do are make sure the other six keep going until the ground got steeper and harder to climb. Then they know their marathon is almost finished. Everyone's muscles ache and burned because they have been working nonstop.

Leo and Raph thought that they were going crazy for a second because they were starting to hear whispers in their ears. Donnie and Mikey shortly heard them too. It was haunting in a way yeah it was peaceful and friendly. It was in a different language. Leo didn't understand but he figured out what they were saying. He felt it.

"Deliver them... Their hearts turned... They will understand..."

9:22 pm

The ground got stepper. Only not steep enough. Rocks fell off the mountain, causing a ruckus down below. Birds flew from their nests that were perched on edges of the rock. This hike repeated itself. Going on and on for what seemed like an eternity. Most people want to throw up over the edge or cry because it hurts so much. It has to be done.

Griz lost her voice twenty two minutes ago and is on the verge of falling on her tracks. They were so exhausted.

Shado looks at Mikey with worry. She is brave and always has been. The cheetah thought she was losing her trait when her mind wasn't processing her verbal language properly. "Mikey, I'm... afr-- s-scared."

The turtle in an image mask gave her a soft smile, he hoped Shado could see it clear enough. "It'll be okay. We promised to get the four of you up there."

"They'll understand... Through another's eyes..." The voices whisper.

Donnie grunted loudly with a panic when Griz nearly buckled, he strained while pushing her body up the hill. "Come on! You can do it!"

The bear groaned tiredly. All four mutants felt that this was torture.

"Guys, keep going. This will be over soon." Leo announced looking at his watch. "Damn..."

9:40 pm

"We don't have a lot of time left." Leo said.

"What?" Raph blurted while supporting Kri.

Leo coughed through his dry throat. "Almost two hours until midnight is on the dot."

"Two?" Raphael hated the look of the mountain. It's so huge that even the world's greatest climber couldn't get to the top in three hours. "Come on, man... We got this."

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