Running River

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The blue light was in a ball, the size of a basketball. Hawk, Shado, Griz, and Kri back up slowly and begin to surround the orb of light floating in the middle. This light flashed brightly and became a man in thin coats of deer skin, feathers on his head, he looked like a--


"Be still." He says gently.

"Who are you?" Asked Griz.

"I am Running River. I see you four are searching for answers."

"We are, sir. We feel like we don't belong here as these bodies." Kri says.

"Hm." The chief mumbles looking at the females. "The wisdom of a wolf. Love of a bear. Courage of a tiger. And bravery of a cheetah. You all are in... The Soulbound."

"Soulbound? What is it?" Hawk sits down.

"The Soulbound is a tradition between my tribe and I. It is used to teach people lessons or learn how to deal with life. This tradition began at night while you children were asleep. You became your spirit animals overnight and the four of you woke up here in the forest as these figures. You've lost the ability to talk through your mouth. For now, you speak with only your mind."

"Why were we chosen?" Shado chirps.

Running River then formed his spirit into scenes of the past. He begins with Hawk.

"Hawk. Your character was very bright... loving your family and doing what you could as a human. But one day everything changed. For an unknown reason, you decided to use words that shocked your family. Usually your words were full of wisdom, but that's gone."

Hawk whimpers in guilt.

"Kri. Known as Kristen. You mustered up the courage to steal something from a market and did not have any second thoughts of bringing it back or apologizing. Courage is used for good, but you used it wrong, child."

The tiger growls lightly and looks down.

"Griz. Or Grizlentine. You loved your parents very much, showing them your loving side. Unfortunately, you pushed everyone away, choosing to bully and become selfish. No love was given by you. Why?" 

She groans looking away.

"And Shado. You were brave enough to show your bad side. Vandalism on buildings, stealing, running away. Bravery of being a terrible person. What happened?"

The cheetah looked away as well.

"You four are going to make up for what you've done as humans. By going through Soulbound."

Hawk asks the first question. "How do we make up for it?"

"The answer to that is to find a mate. A significant other."

"Why a mate?" Kri asked.

"A very special spouse will correct you and your behavior. Treating your mate with the trait you mostly use. Wisdom, courage, love, and bravery. Use them to become your true selves."

"But... how will we find a mate?" Griz was confused.

"I can't answer that, child. But be warned-- if you do not find a mate by the end of the month, you'll gain full conscience of your animal. And you are not to see your families again."

Shado wanted to cry, but she wasn't able to.

"I will return soon to guide you on your mission. The first step to a mate is communication. Until next time, children."

The blue light flickers into an orb again and vanished into the forest. Running River was gone and the light of day had returned again. The females stood still in their spots because they got the answer to why they're the way they are. Hawk understood every word, but is scared to begin what she and her friends have to do.

"A mate."


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