The Final Fight

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11:01 pm

One hour

Raph vomited over the edge earlier. It's too much and Shado lost her voice. Everyone didn't see how close they were to reaching the tip. Some wondered if it was possible to go numb for putting bodies into so much work.

The height of this place forced their ears to pop and make their shoulders spike up goosebumps. Its twenty degrees cooler up here and this possibly is making it harder to breathe.

Leonardo breathed heavily and loudly to avoid being light headed. His idea to pass the next hour is list the things he and his brothers experienced. "Mikey's camp stories..."

Raphael is next. "A bird taking an iPod."

"Bear's head in a cooler." Donnie listed.

"Quads in camp." Mikey puffed. And it went on and on among them. Going in order about the big things that went on in the forest.

"Talking animals."

"The green valley."

"Jumping off a waterfall."

"Catching fish."

"Glow-worm cave."

"The wildfire."

"Companions rule."

"Saving Shado."

"Nizhoni..." Mikey growled quietly at the snake in his head. "She is gonna learn not to mess with anyone who is in Soulbound because--"

"--no matter what, the bad will always lose." Leo finished proudly. "Guys," he brings his eye contact to Hawk, she meets her orbs with his. "I'm really happy that I got to meet you all. You taught us a lot. How to be wise to the young..." He remembered the beautiful valley near the camp.

Raph patted Kri's black and white fur. His memory back at the waterfall made him say the trait he was taught. "To be courageous for the hardest tasks."

Donnie laughed lightly at his mental picture. Splashing in the water and catching fish with his bare hands. "Learning to love something and another." He smiled at the large bear.

"And of course to be brave when you're afraid." Mikey said. The cave was dark at first but he searched for the light in the earth made room. "Now let us reward you. Deliver you four to the top and meet as humans and mutants."

"Our significant others." Says Raph.


11:45 pm

The clock is ticking. It is nearly midnight.

Leo guided Hawk, pushing on her ribcage to keep her going. Raph with Kri, she was close to being in the very back of the line. Griz wabbled and shook, Donnie talked to her to distract her from the pain. And Shado is beside Mikey, stroking her ears as she went up.

Snow. The pure white snow reflected off the moon to make the flat top of the mountain shine. This was a very special event and it isn't possible to forget it.

"We gotta hurry. They're running out of time." Donnie looked at his watch, gripping Griz's thick fur. "Keep going. We're almost there."

Leonardo pushed Hawk, giving her one last shove to get her up on flat ground. She was beginning to weaken from the wolf mind taking over. She whined and finally fell on the hard surface. The same thing happened to the bear, tiger, and cheetah. They didn't look good.

"Come on, Hawk. Look, we...we made it." Leo took in deep breaths. He turned his head to see hundreds and hundreds of trees around the mountain. He could see where the campsite is which is most likely to be miles away. The moon acted like a spotlight to show off everything that it can. "Wow..."

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