Sparkling Spots

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After Donnie wrapped up a lesson of learning to love something new, he ran back to camp with two large salmon. Both are hooked to his index fingers by the gills.

The tall turtle stepped over the itchy bushes and found his brother Mikey sitting near the fire pit.

"Hey, brother." Donnie greeted, still holding the two fish.

Mikey looked up. "Whoa!" He exclaimed in surprise. "Bro, nice catch. But we didn't bring fishing poles."

"I know." Donnie walks to the blue cooler by Mikey and drops their dinner for tonight in the icy container. "I used my hands."

"No way you did that. Those fish look slippery."

"Lots a skill and mind were put to hand fishing, Mikey." Donnie told him as the tree above them rustled and snapped. The brothers glance up and see a yellow and black spotted cat leaps down to say hello on the other side of the fire pit.

"Hello." Shado said in thought to Donnie and Mikey. "Ready?"

"Hey." Mikey smiled at the king cheetah.

Shado gestured her head in the direction of the forest, Mikey caught on.

"I'll be back, Don." Michelangelo said while getting up from his seat on the log and following the thin wild cat into the brush.

"Be safe!"


Mikey walked beside Shado for a good ten minutes, they talked of many things before reaching an open area. Green trees, a fresh bed of grass and creek filled with crickets. The king cheetah stopped and said,

"Just ahead is a dark cave. There's something there I want you to see."

"Dark...?" Mikey sounded concerned.

"Yeah." Shado nodded with excitement. "But there's bats and snakes hiding in the rocks, so stay close to me."

Mikey folded his hands. "I'm not a big fan of the dark."

"It'll be worth it. I promise."

With that, Michelangelo nodded at the cheetah and two friends continued on with their walk to the cave. The dark cave is just yards away from where they were standing.

They made it. A giant hole in the Earth gave a very creepy vibe to Mikey as Shado was beginning her adventure inside it. He picked up the speed and was right on her tail while listening to the water drops fall from the ceiling and onto the ground.

"What is it you wanted to show me?" Asked Mikey.

"You'll see. Its one of my favorite places to be during the day. If I want to get away from the sunlight, then I come here in the cave where I find a very magnificent constellation of art..."

"Art? What kind of art?"

"Nature's art." Shado said.

The light from the sun was dimming more as Mikey and Shado drew in. It was getting uncomfortable for Mikey when he started to hear very small cries from the sleeping bats in the slithering snakes. He could see the little teeth in the flying fox's mouths and feel the snakes crawl up his shell. Mikey had to stop and take a second.

"I don't like this." He halted.

Shado turned around, hardly able to see the mutant turtle and his face expressions.

"It's okay. We're almost there." Shado pauses, then she had an idea. "Pretend you're trying to reach the princess in the tower and you have to go through many obstacles in order to reach her. You're a brave knight trying to slay every dangerous creature in your path." And slowly, the cheetah walks forward, so does Mikey.

"Okay..." He listened.

"The bats are the dragons you need to slay, and the snakes are the chains that prisoners are tied with." Shado breathed.

Mikey extends his arms out to feel for his surroundings since it is pitch black in front and behind him. Shado continued on.

"Slay the dragons and break away the chains of feared prisoners." She smiled inside her head. "Reach the princess and claim your prize."

When Shado said her last sentence, Mikey looked up to a very bright ceiling. It was like something off of a movie or a TV show, he thought he was dreaming for a second. He couldn't believe his eyes. Beautiful lights of blue stuck out to him and gave him a very friendly hello.

"Wow..." He whispers, not looking away until Shado turns to him and says,

"Great job. You won the prize, brave knight. Welcome to the cave of glow-worms."

Mikey laughs quietly. "This... This is incredible. I've never seen anything like this."

"Do you like it?" Shado tilts her head.

"I'm in love with this cave." Mikey kneels down on one knee. "Thank you for teaching me to be brave. Shado. Especially in the dark."

"You're welcome." She chirps proudly.

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