Flames of Horror

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Congratulations to Pete Ploszek (Leonardo) and his wife Daniela! They had a baby girl! Such a happy family!


Shado and Mikey lead the three other turtles and animals into the glow-worm cave. Donnie took out his highly advanced camera and began taking as many photos as he could.

Blue lights dripped from the cave ceiling, falling into a glowing pool.

"Wow..." Leo says scanning the nature made room. "This is really amazing."

Mikey smiled and loved the reactions his brothers were giving he and Shado. "Like it?" His voice slightly echoed in the cave.

"I love this," Raph says, Griz too enjoyed her experience. "It's like a whole different kind of constellation of stars."

All the friends and brothers listen to the joyful sounds of glow-worm droppings falling into the pool. Water plastered on the hard floor and it smelled very earthy. Fresh and calming.

"This is cool..." Raph asked thinking of the spot Kri showed him at the waterfall. "You guys want to check the falls?"

Kri may not be able to smile, but she tries her best to put and show happiness to Raph. The white tiger had her turn with Raphael to reveal the clear water at the forest's famous waterfall. "You guys will love diving at the falls. It's so amazing."

"It sounds relaxing or like a paradise," Mikey says thinking about dozens of wild plants and animals at the water in his mind.

The dark cave grew brighter as the eight living organisms came closer to the sun's light. Once the sun gave them the path to the new location, Raph's tiger friend sprung into a sprint to race to her favorite place of the forest.

Everyone laughed and called out to who will be the last one to eat a rotten egg. Even a few bodies stumbled on their run because they were running too fast.

All cheerful faces had the best fun. They didn't want it to end until all eight friends jinxed it in their heads.

Hawk stopped the tiger I'm the front quickly with a low growl.

"Hawk?" Kri lost her excitement and the others watched her body language.

"Stop... D-Do you smell that?" She sniffed the air, raising her snout high. It was sort of warm.

"Smell?" Griz said taking a whiff. "Smell what?" The bear put her nose down.

Leo gasped lightly, he steps on to the nearest rock to get a better view of the sight maybe a football field away. He peers down at the animals and to his brothers behind him. "Smoke..." His voice whispered.

"What?" Donnie had Leo scoot over on earth's hard object to see it all. A thick trail of black smoke poisoning fresh air. Jaws dropped at the danger nearby. "H-How did this start?" Donnie whimpered.

"I don't know," Leo replied stepping off the rock. He comes by Hawk and tangles his fingers in her shaggy fur. "We need to get you guys out of here."

"Leo, we need to stay here." She whined. "Nizhoni will get what she wants if we--" That was when a sudden bolt of white lightning clashed from the skies. No clouds are seen in broad daylight. It was extremely close the friends and put in the effort to damage their hearing.

Griz and Kri turn to the opposite direction, watching as a newborn flame is burning nature's greatest creations faster than the king cheetah in the group. 

"It's spreading really fast!" Hawk howled. Someone was angry with these happy friends and didn't want to deal with such accomplishment they've finished so far.

Fire roars while it formed the evil face of a king cobra in the terrible heated light, it hissed loudly before striking at Raphael. He screamed in terror as a burn sizzled on his right forearm, Kri was not going to accept this. She inhaled the poisonous air and let it out to scare off the burning cobra.

Hawk cried out a deep howl to let everyone know it was time to leave this area. Mikey and Shado were right behind the wild dog and turtle in a blue mask. Then a very large tree collapsed on to the path where flames licked their faces, individually poking places on their cheeks. The heat grew more and more intense. Smoke burned moist eyes and caused their vision to blur.

"Get out of here!" Leo called to Raph, Griz, Donnie, and Kri on the other side of the tree.They had no choice but to leave in order to stay safe. Kri and Raphael coughed out the black cloud and ran back to the glow-worm cave with the purple masked turtle and bear.

Kri felt her whiskers were nearly catching fire, like her hope for escaping the trap of fire is fading away. She chuffed when she heard a very familiar shriek come from above her head.

"Briar!" Kri roared. The barn owl companion saw the trouble her friend was in and is doing what she needed to help. She was sent by Running River. Briar has communication with this Indian chief because she too is an Indian spirit. She never was a real barn owl, just a very bright and helpful spirit that can take solid forms.

The white tiger has known Briar for a great amount of time and has never seen what looks like a necklace made out of fresh strands of grass around her neck. What was attached to this necklace is a beautiful nature-made pendant with a bright green leaf.

Briar's eyes went from a charcoal shade to a shamrock green to represent the power she held inside her

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Briar's eyes went from a charcoal shade to a shamrock green to represent the power she held inside her. The power of controlling the element of earth. Kri was very impressed with this and let her owl friend create something amazing.

Once Briar flapped her wings downward strongly, coming from the edges of the path were the tallest green towers of grass to cool down the bodies and defend from such great therm. Light from this wildfire dimmed because Briar shielded four innocent beings, she shrieks loudly and flew higher into the cold air. This barn owl had the bravery to dive into the fire, penetrating the hot element. Her body rotated in a wave of fire and majestically flew toward a cobra's flaming mouth with no fear.

Nizhoni opened her reptile mouth, flaring her fangs and feeling no feathered creature burn in her monstrous pit of fire

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Nizhoni opened her reptile mouth, flaring her fangs and feeling no feathered creature burn in her monstrous pit of fire. Briar vanished into the sky feeling she successfully protected Kri and her friends.

"NO!" Nizhoni screamed at the owl taking flight from the fire. "I will defeat you all! That's a promise!" She wailed slithering through the flames and chasing after the bear, tiger, and two brothers wearing red and purple.

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