Chapter 2

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Iris was laughing while Barry was eating a frozen yogurt. When Iris was looking through clothes they found Dinah there shopping too and Iris had to scream her name making everyone look at them and making Barry blush.

"Aw your naming your baby Connor. " Iris smiled while looking at Dinah.

"Yup. If the baby is a boy. Olley loves that name. " Dinah smiled while tapping her belly.

" Awww. Oh have you told Oliver yet!? " Iris said while holding on Dinah's arm.

Dinah smirk and shook her head.

"Nope. I'll let him figure it out. " Dinah said making Iris chuckle.

Barry sigh and look at Dinah rub her hand over her belly.

'I hope Oliver doesn't get to protective of Dinah when he finds out. ' Barry thought.

They had just finish shopping and Oliver was outside waiting and smiled when he saw Barry, Dinah, and Iris.

"Hey Barry. Iris force you. " Oliver chuckle while Barry nod.

"Pretty much. " Barry sigh.

Dinah smiled and kiss Oliver who smiled.

"Hey pretty bird. Got everything you need? " Oliver ask Dinah who nod.

"Yup. I'll see you later Barry. Bye Iris I hope you and Carol success on that mission of yours. And if you need help. Call me up. " Dinah wink while Iris smirk.

"Totally! " Iris wave while Oliver chuckle and drove off with a waving Dinah.

Barry chuckle and walk to Iris's  car who was telling Barry the plan. It was 3:18p.m. when they got back home and Iris shoved Barry in his shower while telling him to put these new clothes they bought for him. Iris went to use the guest room shower to look beautiful. Barry sigh and went to shower and was humming while scrubbing his blonde hair. Once he was done he look at the clothes that Iris and Dinah choose and sigh. It was a red muscle jacket (picture on top) with a white shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and red convers. Barry sigh and put the clothes on and blush at the mirror. Barry look so different than dressing up in his regular style. At least he got to wear his glasses. (Hey!I know Barry doesn't need glasses but he freaking looks CUTE with glasses. )

"Bear bear. You done. Wow. Really the glasses. " Iris said crossing her arms.

"Yes. You choose my clothes let me wear my glasses shezz. " Barry sigh while walking down.

Iris was wearing a blue sundress with a hat and some heels. She walk after Barry and fix his hair making it look cute and all that's when the door was knock. Iris raise a brow and open it to see Carol who was smiling.

"Carol!? What are you doing here?? Not that I am happy but weren't we suppose to meet at Jitters. " Iris smiled while walking out the house with Barry closing the door and locking it.

"Oh you know me. I always pick up my dates on time. Anyways wow Barry. You did amazing Iris. " Carol said wrapping her arm around Iris who wave her hand.

"Please, I know already. " Iris chuckle making Barry roll his eyes.

"Hey Carol we better get going caussss wow. Bear. You look amazing.. " Hal said not even knowing he said that out loud.

"W-what! " Barry gasp while blushing deep red making Hal remember what he just said.

"Uuuhhh w-what I m-mean I-is that y-you ummm you look amazing in that s-sweater yeah amazing hehee. " Hal said blushing deep red while rubbing his back neck.

Barry blush and held his hands together while Iris and Carol look at each other.

"Wow. Okay let's go before I die from this. " Iris said dragging Carol who chuckle.

Hal smiled softly at Barry and stick his arm out.

"Seems like were the third wheels here huh bear. " Hal chuckle while Barry smiled and grab Hal's arm.

"Seems like it. " Barry smiled and thank Hal when he open the back door for him.

They were at Jitters and Iris was smiling so brightly when she saw Hal making Barry laugh.

"Ohhh it's working!! " Iris giggle while holding her coffee cup tightly.

"I know I know. Next thing you know. They will be running off to the sunset. Hahaaa. " Carol squeal while feeling the love from Hal and Barry that they had for each other.

Barry was blushing while Hal drink from his coffee. They were buying themselves some cookies while Hal was telling a joke to Barry.

"I mean Oa is alright but it can't beat Earth. It my home. " Hal smiled at Barry who look at Hal. "It has something special to me. "

Barry blush more deeper red and look at coffee while swirling it. Iris chuckle and grab Carol hands.

"We did it Carol! " Iris chuckle while Carol smiled.

"Indeed but Hal needs to ask Barry out remember. " Carol smirk while Hal smirk and slide his arm around Barry's waist making Barry gasp.

Barry look at Hal who was smiling making Barry smile and lean closer to Hal until they heard a loud smash.

Then they heard screaming and Hal didn't feel Barry anymore.

"Barry? Barry!! " Hal gasp when he saw Barry being pulled away by vines including Iris.

"Iris!! " Carol shouted with Hal running next to her.

They both watch as the vines drag their dates away while Iris was yelling at the vines angrily.


"Iris! Chill! " Barry said while watching Iris bite the vines.

"Carol. " Hal said making Carol nod.

They ran to an alley and put their rings on and off they went to save their dates. Iris was tired of screaming and had her arms cross. She look at Barry who raise a brow at her.

"So. How was the date? " Iris said making Barry look at her.

"Really Iris! We are getting kidnap by a vines monster that we just so happen to be close to it face and your asking about my date with HAL! " Barry shouted while Iris shrug.

"Hey! I am just trying to waste some time here!! " Iris said making her hands go up.

"Ughh it was alright. " Barry said looking down blushing.

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