Chapter 14

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The five weeks of peace was over and every superhero were all ready to go back to being busy. The league was notify about the kidnap of Carol and the unknown blue lantern. They told Carol to be on guard and that Hal and Barry will watch her making Carol roll her eyes with a chuckle.

"Please all you two will be doing is giving my girlfriend a reason to scream. Her fangirl scream." Carol chuckle while walking inside her work place going through doors.

Hal chuckle agreeing with Carol while Barry smiled softly with a blush. Iris ran behind Barry and told to wait for a while. Once their lovers were outside with the prototype jet. Iris look at Barry worried.

"Hey I heard about what happen yesterday. You okay bear?" Iris said rubbing Barry's shoulder who sigh and lean close to Iris who sigh and hug Barry.

"Iris I was be honest. I know I fight monsters,villains, and aliens....but this was terrifying because these were regular people...who were just being rude." Barry cried softly while Iris rub his back.

"Hey its okay...I know it must have been terrifying but your okay and Hal okay. Those people are just morons who think their better but their not. Your who you want to be and you won't let anyone I mean ANYONE bring you down or think twice about yourself because your perfect the way you are." Iris smiled and kiss Barry's forehead making Barry tear up again.

"Thanks sis." Barry sniff while Iris wipe Barry's tears away.

"Come on. Were supposed to be watching our lovers work." Iris chuckle wrapping her arm around Barry who smiled.

They open the doors walking outside making Hal look at Barry concern for him. Barry smiled and nod his head making Hal smile back.

"Carol the prototype jet is a go." one of the men said looking at Carol nod.

"Hal do your work and do it right." Carol said looking at Hal wink at Barry.

"You got it Carol." Hal said smirking at her.

Next thing you know Hal is showing off to Barry while Carol is screaming at Hal to stop fooling around. Hal laugh while making the jet going up and up and up and finally he made the jet do what it was made to do.

"Ughh I'm sorry Barry but how can you love this idiot." Carol said pinching her nose.

Barry and Iris chuckle at Carol and look at Hal work on the jet prototype seeing how well it works, what it can do, and how it can stand. This was only a prototype the real jet is waiting for the green card so they can build the baby. She will be full of horse power and beautiful sound to Hal and Carol.

"Okay Hal bring her in. She not looking good." The men said to Hal through the headphones.

Hal look back and notice that the left wing of the back was smocking making him sigh. He lower the jet down slowly making sure there were no pressure but the right wing exploded in thin air.

"HAL!!" Barry scream while Carol, Iris, and the other gasp.

Hal curse when the jet was fall about 85 miles down to land making him take his ring out as fast as he can and made it wrap around the jet making new wings for the behind. He pulled up the control and the jet lucky slide up between the floor and air. The men cheer thinking that the green lantern saved Hal. Barry and Iris sigh in relief while Carol glare at the jet. It wasn't ready.

Hal landed the jet and took off his ring after he made a figure of himself flying away making the men cheer. Barry ran to the jet with Iris behind and when Hal got off he was tackle by Barry making him fall.

"Your okay!!" Barry cried hugging Hal and kissing his lips over and over.

Hal smiled at Barry and held him close when he stop kissing him. Barry wipe his tears and look at Iris who was laughing and wiping her tears too.

"Don't scare us like that Hal." Iris punch Hal making him hiss in pain.

"Sorry didn't mean too." Hal said while standing up still holding Barry close.

"Hal you got lucky. The Green lantern dude just save your life!! That was amazing!!" the worker said looking at Hal in amazement.

"Yeah man." the other workers said behind.

Hal chuckle blushing little and notice that Carol was on her phone yelling.

"The jet was A FUCKING FAIL YOU MORON!!!" Carol growled hearing what the designer of the jet was saying. "I COULD HAVE LOST MY TESTER LIFE IN THAT DUMB JET OF YOURS!!! Lucky the Green lantern man was here. You jet will not be build this year. GOODBYE!!!"

Carol put her phone away and sigh while pulling her hair back. Iris, Hal, and Barry walk up to Carol who look up and smiled at them.

"Sorry Hal that happen to you." Carol said while Iris held Carol close.

"Naa its okay. Its a good thing the amazing Green lantern was here." Hal smiled watching the works run inside the base to see if they have it on camera.

Carol and Iris chuckle while Barry rolled his eyes then out of no where the predator came out and surround it self around Carol and Iris growling deadly.

"Predator what is it!?" Carol gasp and look around too.

Barry and Hal look to while Carol held Iris close. It was Fatality, Carol's second in command.

"Your highness." Fatality said while bowing.

"Oh Fatality my friend." Carol smiled and hug her who hug her back. "What brings you here."

"Forgive me Carol but the Star sapphire want you to return to Zamaron. They worry for your protection on Earth and from lantern." Fatality said looking a Carol.

"Will I can't just leave my lover here alone." Carol said holding Iris's hands.

"Don't worry Carol. She could come too." Fatality smiled. "You are the queen after all."

Carol smiled and look at Iris who rolled her eyes and nod.

"Sure. Can Barry and Hal can come?" Iris smiled at Carol who sadly look at her.

"Sorry Iris. That a big FAT no. The Star sapphire aren't that kind to the Green lantern so I can't go." Hal said smiling sadly.

Iris sigh but smile anyways and nod her head.

"Okay. I'll talk to my boss and get my things ready." Iris smiled running to Barry. "Barry gonna help me too."

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