Chapter 11

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A/N: Hello my readers I have a little ⚠warning ⚠here. There is nswf in this chapter I repeat there is nswf in this chaper. Also its long.

Barry sigh feeling so relax. After what the goddess had done all the heroes were relaxing with family or loves ones. He was at a beach with Iris who was relaxing next to Barry who smiled at her.

"Its so nice of the goddess to give you guys some relaxation." Iris said looking at Barry.

"Yeah. Isn't Hal and Carol coming?" Barry ask while Iris nod her head.

"Yeah they should be here." Iris pulled down her sunglasses and frown.

Barry look confused and look where Iris was looking and frown too. They were watching Carol and Hal be surrounded by girls and boys. Hal had so many girls around him while Carol was getting annoyed by the men who were showing off their muscle.

"Oh you sure you won't play with us." a red head girl said putting her hand on Hal's chest.

Barry sigh sadly holding his book close to his chest with pain in his eyes. Iris notice and growled angry and stood up and walk to them. She push the girls making them scream and glare at Iris. Carol smirk and Hal sigh in relief.

"Come on you idiot." Iris said grabbing Hal and pushing the girls again with Carol behind laughing.

Barry look up sadly but gasp when Hal was push on top of Barry who look at Hal blushing deep red. Hal was holding himself up while looking at Barry's beautiful blue eyes.

"There. Much better." Iris said sitting back down on her chair with Carol sitting next to her.

Hal glare at her and push himself back from Barry who was holding his book close to his face covering his red cheeks. Barry look at Hal sit next to him and Hal look at Barry.

"You okay Bear." Hal smiled softly while Barry nod and look at his book but gasp when it was yank from him.

"Come on bear. We came here to relax not read a book." Iris said while Barry pout and tried grabbing his book but Iris toss it to Hal who caught it.

"Yeah bear. Relax not read." Hal chuckle and held the book away from Barry's reach.

"Fine!" Barry stood up and walk forward to the water with Iris cheering and Carol laughing.

"Wait up bear." Hal stoop up fast throwing the book and running after Barry.

"Lets join them!" Carol smiled grabbing Iris's hand and running after them.

They were all in the water which was so beautiful and were splashing each other, played chicken fight, and were swimming around. Iris and Carol got out of the water and was laying down on the blanket they brought to dry up sleeping together. Barry and Hal were still in the water but Hal was once again surround by girls who were flirting with Hal. Barry sigh sadly and look around the beach seeing so many beautiful sights and rocks around them as walls but Barry saw a secret passage and smiled.

"I could go adventure with Hal.....wait" Barry sadly look at Hal who was smiling kindly at the girls while rubbing his head. "Or maybe not..."

Barry sigh and swam toward the path not catching anyone attention except Hal who notice.

"Uh listen I am not interested and I should get going. Sorry ladies." Hal said and swam away with the girls whining and angry.

Hal swam after Barry who was disappearing between the rock.
Barry smiled when he saw that the rocks were a cave and that the water was up to his chest but he was following the little light but gasp when he heard Hal's voice.

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