Chapter 20

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A/N: WARNING LOVE, SMUT, AND NSFW WILL HAPPEN. I hope you enjoy it and the pic on top is where they had their relaxation.


Barry was with Mari, Iris, and Dinah at the mall looking through the dress. Dinah was holding her baby boy, Connor Lance-Queen, who was babbling adorable nosies to Barry who was playing with his fingers.

"He so adorable, Dinah," Barry said looking at his dear friend smile.

"Of course he is. He has my looks." Dinah smirk making Barry chuckle.

"You got that right, honey," Mari said smirking at Dinah.

"How are you and John doing, Mari?" Barry asks making Mari smile bright.

'He proposes to me!!" Mari said showing off her ring.

Iris and Dinah cheered in happiness while Barry claps his hands happy for Mari.

"To be honest. I thought we wouldn't last this long. I thought he still loves, Hawkygirl, but boy was I wrong. He truly does love me." Mari smiled softly while looking at the ring.

"Hey, at least Shiera would have to know to not lay a finger on John since your his fiance now." Iris chuckle making her smile.

"Oh believe she knows alright and she ain't happy about it," Dinah said making Mari and Iris chuckle.

Barry rolled his eyes but smiled when Connor squeal in happiness when he got Barry's attention again. Dinah chuckle and let Barry hold Connor and stood up. 

"Alright girls. We're here on a mission to help Barry look sexy for his date today!" Dinah said making Barry blush.

"Oh, honey. We haven't forgotten about you. That's why we're here! Let's get started!!" Mari smiled.

Barry just watches his friend grab some dresses or tank top with some white pants. They were all going crazy that Barry would rather look at Connor pulled his hair instead of the girls choosing his clothes. They made Barry try on each of the clothes and they all cooed at him even some girls that were shopping were cooing and taking some pictures saying that Barry looks beautiful in each one of them. Finally, they choose a black tank-top with a rose skirt and some black flats since Barry isn't that use to heels. Yet. 

"Perfect if I don't say so myself

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"Perfect if I don't say so myself." Mari said smiling brightly at the others.

"Indeed." Iris said.

"Agree. What do you think Connor?" Dinah smiled at her son.

"Baaaa!!" Connor laughs making the ladies cooed.

~Five Minutes Later~

Barry was a blushing mess. The girls made Barry change into the clothes and drove him to his and Hal house and left him in front of his house. He groans and put his hands on his face and look down.

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