Chapter 16

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Barry gasp and look around to find out he was in his room in his house. Barry look confused and look around seeing that Hal wasn't with him.

"H-Hal?" Barry called.

He heard nothing and thought that probably Hal was down stairs. He sighed and got off bed but was wobbly and chuckle to himself.

"Silly Barry you need eat remember."Barry said to himself.

He grab one of Hal's shirt which fit to big and shorts. He smile and went down stair but stop when he heard talking.

"I don't just the ring went on him and his eyes were glowing brighter than ever." Barry heard Hal.

"Seem like the ring has seen greater hope instead Barry Allen, Hal." Ganthet said.

Barry peak his head out and saw that Hal was video chatting with Ganthet and Sayd. Sayd notice Barry and smiled softly at him.

"We will speak more this later. Seem like your lover has awoken Hal." Sayd pointed at Barry making him blush.

"H-Hi..." Barry wave shyly making Sayd and Ganthet chuckle softly.

"Will talk later. Good day Hal." Ganthet said and the video was turn off.

Hal sigh and smiled softly when he felt Barry hugging him from behind. Barry snuggle close to Hal's back putting his face close to his back.

"What happen. Did one of the Walker get kidnap?" Barry ask making Half smile.

"No Bar. Their find. I just called to talk to Ganthet and Sayd. Nothing more." Hal said hugging Barry now.

Barry smiled and smell Hal loving how he smelt of warmth and home. Hal smiled when he felt Barry's body going numb.

"Hey Bar. Wrap your legs around my waist." Hal whisper watching Barry listen.

Once he did Hal carried Barry to their room and lied Barry down but groan when he was pulled down with him. Barry smiled and snuggle close to Hal making him blush but smile.

"You know. I can't really believe you're here with my arms." Hal whisper while brushing Barry's hair back.

"Believe it Hal. I'm right here..." Barry smiled and kiss Hal who chuckle and kiss back.

They were only kissing for a minute until they heard a loud explosion outside the house. Hal and Barry ran down stair and outside to see Sister Sercy who was pulling herself up.

"Sister!!" Barry shouted and ran to her while Hal put his ring on.

Barry helped Sister Sercy up who was glaring at the villain who was flying.

"Where is the Blue Lantern!" the male alien shouted making Sister Sercy glare at him harder.

"I will not talk of the earth Blue Lantern you buffoon!!" Sister Sercy said while holding her hand tight.

"Will let see how long you ring can handle my warth! Ooohhff!!" the male alien gasp when he was ran over by a green train.

"Then you'll face me first greeny." Hal growled while holding his fist out.

Barry rush Sister Sercy inside his home while Hal handle the villain. Sister Sercy groan when she was sat and smiled kindly at Barry.

"Thank you Barry." She said looking at him.

"Why is he after you Sister?" Barry ask worried.

"He wants you Barry. I was coming to talk to you and Hal but I was caught off guard when this buffoon attack me from nowhere." Sister Sercy said while looking at her ring. "I called for backup by they were far so my only option was to come to Earth."

Sister Sercy look at Barry who looked back at door but gasp when he watch Hal be thrown through his window.

"Owww...." Hal groan while rubbing his head.

"Hal!" Barry called to him with a worried voice.

"I'm fine. Take Sister Sercy away from here. This dude is so gonna get it." Hal growled and flew out the home.

Barry held Sister Sercy in his arms and use his speed forces to run out their home and somewhere else safe. Then he put her gentle down and smiled when he saw more green lights coming from the sky.

"Thanks goodness." Barry smiled and look at Sister Sercy who smiled too.

John landed in front of Barry with Kyle next to him.

"We got Hal's message. Are you okay Sister Sercy?" John ask her.

Barry nod at John and dash away running to Hal and opening up his ring to let out his Flash suit. He finally made it to watch Guy get punch by a red ball. He blink and look at Hal who was holding up a shield while the villain was firing red flames at him. The green alien growled but gasp when he saw the Flash here making him smirk. He let out a big final blow making Hal fly into a tree. Barry gasp and dash to check on his lover but he was stop from moving at for a reason.

"W-what??" Barry gasp and look around with his eyes.

"I have your nervous system under my control Flash. Now Green Lantern tell me where the Blue Lantern of this earth is or your friend will get hurt." the green alien said looking at Hal who eyes were wide open.

"I-I don't know! Just don't hurt the Flash!!" Hal scream while looking at Barry who was trying so hard to move his body but couldn't.

"No! I know you're lying Green Lantern!! Tell me NOW or your friend here will have a terrible conduction inside his nervous system." the alien said looking at Barry. "How about this. You get me the Blue lantern of earth and I will let the Flash live and Central city."

Barry's and Hal's eyes went wide while the alien face expression was blank. Barry looked at Hal who shook his head fast making the alien look between them confused but smiled when he figured it out.

"Hahaaa seem like I don't have to look hard now do I." the alien look at Barry who glare at him.

"No. You don't." Barry said.

"No Flash stop!!" Hal shouted looking at Barry.

"No! GL it's the only way." Barry said looking at Hal and the he look at the alien. "I'm the blue lantern of earth and I'm the one you're looking for."

The alien smirk and made Barry whole body collapse. He was unconscious making Hal's eyes go wider than ever. The alien walk to Barry and carried him his arms but made a force field when Hal flew to them. The alien look at Hal who was banging the field and trying everything to break that field.

"No!!! Stop!!!" Hal shouted.

"Come after us and this orb will destroy Central city. Goodbye Green Lantern." the alien said and flew away from the ground.

Hal flew after them but gasp when he saw the huge orb of red power and flame above Central city moving forward making Hal holding still and watching the love of his life be taken away from him once again. 

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