Chapter 8

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"Okay what do we have here." Hal said while watching Barry type on the computer.

Through the video they only saw Bruce, Diana, Clark, Oliver, Dinah, and Shazam around. They saw Diana talking to Oliver and Dinah who was rubbing her belly.

"Told you." Barry smirk while Hal rolled his eyes.

"Skip some more." Hal said watching Barry press the forward button. 

Then Fuzzy chirp at the screen making Barry press pause.

"Woah...." Barry said look at a big dark figure.

It's details were hard to tell because it was running and the way Fuzzy was chirping mean that this thing was its mother.

"So its mother here but what happen to the others." Barry ask but gasp when the slide door open revealing Oliver who ran inside with Dinah and press the door shut.

"Hal! Barry!" Dinah smiled brightly and hug Barry who smiled and hug back.

"Thank god its good to see you two." Oliver sigh while looking at Hal.

"What happen? Why were you guys running?" Hal ask while walking up to Oliver who was checking on the cameras.

"From that." Oliver pointed at the camera at a terrifying creature alien with five behind her scratching the doors.

"Oh my god." Barry gasp while Fuzzy bark happily.

"Oh and whose this?" Dinah smiled while Fuzzy look at her and hide behind Barry's neck.

"No Barry!" Hal gasp but was too late cause Fuzzy vibrate inside Barry making Barry gasp.

"What!!" Barry yelled and started vibrating too.

Fuzzy fazed out of Barry because he was fazing too and land on top of Hal's green box.

"What the fuck!!" Oliver said while holding Dinah behind him.

Barry was pale while rubbing his neck while Fuzzy tried getting out the box to get to Barry. She started crying.

"How did it do that?" Barry ask while looking at Fuzzy whine.

"These creature are well know for controlling a alien body if they want to faze inside you and making you one of them. Fuzzy here doesn't know how to do any of that but she does know how to faze if she feels scared." Hal said. "Only the babies do that to play with their parents and now Fuzzy thinks your family."

Barry look at Hal while Fuzzy whined.

Barry sigh and nod his head at Hal and stick his hands out.

"Drop Fuzzy." Barry said making Hal look at him.

"Are u sure." Hal ask while putting his hand on Barry's shoulder.

"Yeah. Anyways I can faze if she fazes inside me." Barry sigh while smiling softly at Hal.

Hal nod and release Fuzzy who landed on Barry's hands and smiled. She ran up his arm to his shoulder and started fazing. Barry then faze too and Fuzzy was giggling. Oliver glare while Dinah smiled.

"Okay while Barry occupy our little alien we have to find the other." Oliver said making Hal sigh.

"That's a problem because those four are Bruce, Diana, Clark, and Shazam." Hal said pointing at the four aliens creature who ran out the camera sight.

"Dam. Wait so the other one is the dad." Dinah said looking at the father who look at the mother that nod and ran a other way.

"But the more important question is how on earth did this baby get here in the first place." Hal said while crossing his arms.

Dinah was the one that raised her hand.

"Me and Clark were call for a alien black market ship that was traveling through our star system and we save all the creatures that were about to be save including Fuzzy." Dinah said while Hal nod.

"Of course." Barry sigh while Fuzzy stop fazing and was now cuddling close to Barry's face.

Hal nod and look back at the camera to only smack his face.

"Shit...we need to move now!!" Hal said running to the door.

"Shit where they go!!" Oliver said looking at the camera.

Then the air vent smash open and out came out the mother who transport into her regular size. Barry gasp and used his speed and grab Oliver and Dinah while Hal fly after Barry.

"Fuck she on your tail Barry!" Hal said looking at the mom catching up to Barry.

"Shit. Keep up Hal." Barry yelled and use more of his speed.

They then lost the mother and were now in a different room. Dinah and Oliver slide to a stop while Barry collapse to the floor.

"Barry!!" Dinah gasp while her and Hal ran to him.

Barry was shaking and taking deep breath but gasp when he felt Fuzzy wasn't on his shoulder but inside him so he faze and fainted on the floor when Fuzzy was out.

"Barry!!" Hal shouted.

"Hal what's wrong with him!?" Dinah said worried as hell for Barry.

Hal was holding Barry and looking at Fuzzy who was sparking with lighting and energy.

"She ascendantly took Barry's energy. These creatures are able to steal Speedster engery but not there speed." Hal said looking at Fuzzy who was nuzzling her head in a apologize way. "It's okay Fuzzy."

Dinah nod and stood up while looking at Oliver who was checking the computer that was in this room.

"So how do we return the baby back to the mother." Oliver said spotting the mother with the camera again.

"We have to kneel down in front of her and she will choice who took the child and from my guess she gonna choice you Dinah." Hal said getting up while holding Barry.

"Why her?" Oliver said while Dinah nod.

"Understandable. Okay lets do this so we can get our friends back." Dinah said while walking to Hal while Oliver still looked confused.

"Okay but we need to get Barry some engery. Fuzzy didn't know what she was doing so she doesn't know how to return Barry energy back." Hal said looking at Dinah and Oliver who nod their heads and look at Barry who was waking up.

"Ugh I feel so weak." Barry groan while Fuzzy and Hal smiled.

"Oh thank goodness your okay." Dinah smiled while pulling Barry's cowl off.

"Thanks...anyways what happen?" Barry ask and Hal explain what happen.

Then the door busted open with the father alien standing on its hind legs and landed on his four legs.

Fuzzy smiled brightly and the mother came from behind including the four heroes who were aliens too. The mother walk forward going in circle making Hal wave his hand making Dinah and Oliver nod and following Hal. They all kneel down and the mother was still walking but what surprise them was that she stop in front of Hal who was holding Barry.

"What?" Dinah whisper while Hal look at the mother who was growling.

"She thinks Barry took the baby." Oliver said looking at Barry weakly move from Hall's hold and grab Fuzzy who chirp happily.

"S-sorry Fuzzy's mom. We didn't take him we saved her from being sell by other alien. We were gonna return her. I swear." Barry said while looking at the mother eyes.

She was looking deeply in Barry's soul to see if he was lying and nod her head. She grab Fuzzy who scream happily and watch her father release the spell from the heroes making them collapse. The mother nod and walk to her husband and they vanish away with Fuzzy waving at Barry.

Oliver and Dinah ran to Diana, Clark, Bruce, and Shazam while Hal scoop Barry up who smiled sweetly at Hal.

"I'm okay Hal." Barry smiled and close his eyes to rest up.

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