Chapter 19

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Barry was back in Earth while Carol was taken back to her kingdom to let her people know she was okay including Iris who was watching over the place. Barry sigh when they finally made it back home and laying down on his bed. He gasps when Hal laid next to him and held him close making him smiled.

"Hal I'm okay," Barry said brushing Hal's hair.

"L-Let me j-just listen to i-it please....." Hal whispers making Barry smile.

"Okay..." Barry whispers and lets Hal listen to his heartbeat.

Hal was just listening to the heart just beat normally making him sigh and hug Barry close. Barry didn't mind at all and held Hal closer than ever letting him know he wasn't going anywhere. Hal sigh and just enjoy the company not wanting to let go of Barry at all and just hold him close making sure that nothing will take away his lover. In the next few hour, Barry look down to see Hal asleep and snoring softly making him chuckle and brush Hal's hair out of his face and kiss his lovers face gently. For now, he will just let Hal do what he wants.

~Next Day~

Hal woke up and looked around all confused but got scared.

"BARRY!!??" Hal shouted and stood up and ran downstairs but stop when he saw Barry making pancakes while Iris and Carol were eating some of his food.

He sighs in relief and took a deep calming breath and smiled softly when Iris waved at him and told Hal to come and join them.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty. Sorry, we took Barry out of bed. I just missed his cooking." Iris smiled making Hal chuckle.

"So that's why you weren't there with me," Hal said looking at Barry who blushes and nod.

"Yeah...sorry," Barry said and flip another pancake while Hal stood up and walk toward him and held him close.

Barry looked back at Hal worried making him smile and whisper that he is okay. Barry nods and continues to make food for his lover. Iris and Carol were talking about the day and what they should together with Hal and Barry. Hal was now eating his scrambled eggs with coffee while Barry was finishing his fifty plates of pancakes.  Iris groan jealously making Barry raise his head up and smile softly at her while she just grumbles.

"I wish I had his speedster power cause he doesn't have to worry about getting fat!" Iris grumble while crossing her arms and glaring at Barry who smiled. (ME TO IRIS. ME TOO.)

Hal laughed while Carol glare at him for teasing her girlfriend and threw a bread at Hal who gasps and glares at her.

"Guys, please. I don't want a food figh-" Barry sighed when Hal threw a pancake at Carol who gasps and threw food back.

Iris smacks her face and watches as her lover and her best friend's lover was having a food war with each other and making a mess in Barry's kitchen.

"Why do I even bother....." Barry sigh while Iris was next to him.

"Our lovers act like children sometimes....." Iris sighed but smiled at Barry. "But being normal is over-rated."

Barry chuckled and nodded at Iris statement and look gasp when a pancake with syrup came flying to them and smacking on Iris new shirt. Barry yelp and took a huge step back while Carol and Hal were looking at each other in terror while Iris was shaking in anger and annoyance. She glared at the two idiots that just made their death wish while both of them were screaming and pointing at each other say she/he did it.

"YOUR BOTH DEAD!!!!" Iris yelled making them both scream in terror. 

Barry was hiding behind the stairs handle and watching Iris chase after Hal and Carol who were crying bloody murder and running away. 

~Two Hours Later~

Carol and Hal were crying softly with huge bumps on their head and cleaning the kitchen while Iris was wearing one of Barry's shirt while he was fixing her shirt. She had her arms cross and watching the two idiots clean the kitchen until she says that it is clean. Barry smiled at the newly clean shirt and walk toward Iris who smiled cheerfully and hugged Barry.

"Ugh, your the best. I should leave Carol and be with you instead Bear!" Iris said making Hal and Carol raise their heads.

"WHAT!?" Hal and Carol said together watching Iris glare at them.

"WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP CLEANING!!??" Iris shouted making them both whimper and polish the floor until it sparkle. 

Barry chuckles nervously and told Iris to change her shirt and that he got it here. She nod and left to room leaving Barry in charge who sigh and watch his best friend walk into his room.

"Okay, that enough clean. My kitchen is already sparkling." Barry said chuckling softly.

"Thank god!!" Carol sigh and laid down on the floor.

Hal sigh and stood up stretching his body and smiling brightly at Barry who chuckles and looks at him walk towards him and hug him.

"Thank you bear." Hal whisper making Barry smiled softly while blushing and cuddling closer.

Iris smiled when she sees her otp hugging and she went down the stairs and look at her lover who stood up and smiled.

"Alright. Let's go to the park! I heard that they're gonna give out free ice cream and cotton candy." Carol said making both Barry and Iris eyes sparkle.

"SWEETS!!!" Barry and Iris screaming together.

~At the Park~

Barry had two cotton candies, that were different color while Hal was holding his and Barry's ice cream. Iris had strawberry ice cream on her left while a pink blue cotton candy on her right. Barry smiled brightly like a child hitting the jackpot and Iris cooed.

"Awww Barry stop. I can't handle the cuteness!!" Iris smiled making Hal and Carol nod in agreement.

"Hal, control Barry. He could control any person with those adorable puppy eyes of his." Carol whined making Hal chuckle.

"Believe I would but that's my greatest weakness." Hal chuckle.

Barry was blushing deep red and hide his face the cotton candy and look at Hal who smiled and kisses Barry on his forehead making him smile and kiss Hal on his lips making him sigh. Things could be any more perfect then what Hal has. He just happy he has his speedster back with him on Earth and being happy together. 


A/N: Hey guys sorry I haven't updated this story. I have been mostly updating "Unknown Love" I am such a terrible writer LOL. Anyways here's the chapter. Sorry no smut or NSWF but the last chapter will have some. Yes, chapter 20 will be the last chapter of this story. Sorry, everyone, this story is coming to an end.

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